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Seed Type Spices
Seed Type Spices are used for seasoning and preparing masala to give flavour to various Indian dishes. It also has many medicinal uses.

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Seed Type SpicesSeed Type Spices come in the form of seeds such as aniseed, caraway, celery and coriander. These spices are used in their original forms to enhance the flavours of certain food items and at times these are grounded and made into a powdered form or a paste and then used. The seeds are also the fruits of that particular plant but because of their tiny size they are referred to as seeds. The seed type spices have a number of medicinal virtues.

Some of the common seed type spices include ajwain seeds, anardana, caraway, celery and many more. They are described below;

Ajwain Seeds
Ajwain seeds, like other seed type spices, are not viewed nutritionally. They are known as oxidants, as preservatives, or in medicine or for the manufacture of essential oils for ultimate use in perfumery, essences, medicines, etc.

Coriander Seeds
Coriander seeds vary depending upon its country of origin and the agro climatic conditions under which it is grown. The aromatic odour and taste of coriander fruits (seeds) is due to an essential oil. Besides being used as a fragrant flavour, Coriander seeds also have a health-supporting reputation.

Cumin Seeds
Seed Type SpicesCumin is a seed spice well known for its medicinal properties in India. It helps to add an earthy and warming feeling to cooking, making it a staple in certain stews and soups, as well as curries and chilli.

Fennel Seeds
In India, fennel seeds are classified in the group of seed type spices for trade purposes according to their place of origin. Some of the well-known types are Mumbai, Bihar and U.P fennels. Fennels from Lucknow are considered to be the best and are priced higher than those from other areas.

Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seed is mainly used in spices or curry powder and excellent for fish and sea food dishes, candy, baked goods, ice cream, chewing gum and soft drinks. It also has medicinal benefits like it is used in reducing the blood sugar level and blood pressure. Fenugreek seeds are rich in essential amino acids.

Mustard Seeds
Mustard is also a type of seed used as a whole spice and as well as paste to flavour curries. Mustard paste is also used as a sauce to add taste to fried dishes. The high source of magnesium in mustard seeds helps reducing the severity of asthma attacks and certain symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and lowering blood pressure.

Poppy Seeds
The poppy seeds, one of seed type spices are utilised as food and as a source of fatty oil. They are considered nutritive and are used in breads, curries, sweets and confectionery.

Other Seed Type Spices
Anardana is the dried seeds of pomegranate fruit. It is mostly used as a condiment for acidification of chutneys and certain curries. Caraway is widely used as a seed types spices for culinary purposes and for flavouring bread, biscuits, cakes and cheese.

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