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Neurological Disorders
Neurological disorders are diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them.

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Neurological Disorders, NaturopathyNeurological disorders are the various types of complications which arise due to any major issue which impact the nervous system of the human body. The brain, spinal cord, and nerves make up the nervous system. Together they control all the workings of the body. When something goes wrong with a part of the nervous system, one can have trouble moving, speaking, swallowing, breathing, or learning. One can also have problems with memory, senses, or mood.

Neurological disorders are quite diverse, chronic, challenging to treat, and often disabling. Neurological issues can be subjected to medical treatment in the form of surgical operations practiced by neurosurgeons, neuro-rehabilitation, medication, incorporating changes in one"s lifestyle, physiotherapy, etc.

Symptoms of Neurological Disorders
Patients of neurological disorders experience a wide variety of symptoms caused by electrical or biochemical anomalies in the spinal cord, brain and some other nerves, which might include weakness in muscles, paralysis, altered levels of consciousness, seizures, lack of sensation and others.

Causes of Neurological Disorders
Neurological disorders can be triggered by a large quantity of medical reasons which involve congenital complexities, malnourishment, and injury in the brain, nerves or the spinal cord, serious infections, lifestyles and even genetic ailments. Damage in the nervous system might also be motivated by an alteration in the body immunity, while cerebro-vascular maladies might be a consequence of a brain injury caused by certain complications in the cardiovascular system.

Types of Neurological Disorders
There are more than 600 diseases that affect the human nervous system and for many of them treatment options are extremely limited. The neurological diseases are classified according to the main factors causing them, or the primary body part or organ affected by the disorders or even the kind of body dysfunction created by such diseases. Generally, neurological disorders can be categorized as peripheral nervous system or PNS or central nervous system or CNS.

These disorders include;

•Alzheimer`s disease and other dementias
•Cerebro-vascular diseases including stroke
Migraine and other headache disorders
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson"s disease
•Brain tumors
•Traumatic disorders of the nervous system such as brain trauma
•Neurological disorders as a result of malnutrition.

Mental Functioning in Neurological Disorders
Neurological disorders can adversely impact the functioning of the brain which might in turn affect cognition powers, behavioural patterns and also the memory. Mental disorders triggered by neurological complications can be treated with the aide of neuropsychiatry. There exist certain mental conditions or symptoms, whose causes remain unidentified and they are termed as "Idiopathic Neurological Symptoms".

Learning disabilities, compromise in intellectual abilities and development of brain tumours are amongst the several neurological disorders which might affect people. The nervous system is vulnerable to various disorders.

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