Suvela is a mythical Mountain. In the Hindu Mythology, it is mentioned that Suvela is a Mountain in Lanka. On the rugged top of this mountain, Lord Rama encamped his army when he invaded the island.
Role of Suvela Mountain in Ramayana
The story of Suvela Mountain in Ramayana goes like this that Rama expresses his desire to Vibhishana and Sugreeva to halt on Suvela mountain for a night before envisaging the City of Lanka. He along with Lakshmana, Vibhishana, Sugreeva and his army climb the mountain and see the beauty of Lanka. The entire team of Rama halts on that mountain-resort for the night.
This is also the mountain from where Sugreeva Jumps to Attack Ravana, the lord of demons. As mentioned in the earlier paragraph that Rama together with Sugreeva and others halt on Suvela Mountain. There, above a gate-way of the City, stands Ravana. Noticing Ravana, Sugreeva jumps to the top of the gate, bounces over on Ravana, pulls his brightly coloured crown from his head and throws it away on the ground. Thereafter, a long fight between Ravana and Sugreeva without any fatigue is carried on. They fight endlessly in different postures. Eventually, after reducing Ravana to exhaustion, Sugreeva returns and rejoins his monkey-troops.
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