In the Hindu mythology it is mentioned that Skambha is the Supporter or Defender. Skambha is an appellation of God, the Supreme Being. In a hymn of the Atharva Veda, Skambha is considered to be like Purusha. Skambha is a vast embodied being co-extensive with the universe, and comprehending, in his several members. He does not only exist in the different parts of the material world, but also in a variety of abstract conceptions, such as dedication, faith, truth, and the divisions of time. The thirty-three gods are comprehended in him, and arose out of nonentity, which forms his highest member, and, as well as entity, is embraced within him. The gods who form the part of Skambha like the branches of tree, pay him homage, and bring him tribute. Skambha is also often identified with Lord Indra and Lord Brahma.
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