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Sajood Sailani
Sajood Sailani was a Kashmiri dramatist, poet, and painter.

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Sajood Sailani was a Kashmiri dramatist and poet. He was also popular as a painter. He was born in the year 1936. In 1967, he founded Sangam Theatre, which presented many of his plays like Rwapiyi rud i.e. `Shower of Rupees`, which exposed the nouveau riche. The other ones can be mentioned as Kej rath i.e. `Dumb Night`. This was about contemporary life. Gashi tartikh i.e. `Guiding Star` was another one which was based on Abu Ben Adam`s story. All were published together in 1988. Recipient of several awards, Sailani writes on pressing social issues and believes in using drama as a means of social reform. As an enthusiastic member of the Kashmir Theatre Federation, he played an important role in popularizing modern Kashmiri theatre in the 1970s and 1980s, with memorable works such as Zalur or `Spider`, Tenty kor or `Catgut`, Fundbaz or `Swindler`, and Vutri-bunyul or `Catastrophe`.

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