Jimutaketu was the emperor of the Vidyadharas. Vidyadharas have often been described as supernatural beings with magical powers. Jimutaketu had a son named Jimutavahana who sacrificed his life to Garuda. From him was descended the Shilahara family, the best among the royal families of Simhala.
According to a legend in Vamana Purana, Jimutaketu is one among the numerous names of Hindu God, Lord Shiva. The word "Jimutom" means dark rain clouds.
Lord Shiva as Jimutaketu in Vamana Purana
According to Vamana Purana, Sati; the wife of Lord Shiva on the advent of the hot season, requested Shiva to build a house for her, but Shiva replied that he was homeless and liked to live in forest. When the rainy season came, Sati repeated her request for some kind of shelter, but Shiva pleaded his indigence or absence of wealth because of which he had to depend on tiger"s skin for seat and serpents to adorn his person. Sati got offended at her husband"s reply, but had to spend her time in that homeless condition. Shiva in order to offer some relief to her distressed wife went up a mountain top beyond the reach of the clouds to avoid rain. Thus he became known as "Jimutaketu".
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