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Malati Madhava
Malati Madhava is a famous play by Bhavabhuti.

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Malati Madhava is a well-known play by Bhavabhuti. Bhavabhuti was a noted Sanskrit scholar of the 8th century.

The drama Malati Madhava is set in the city of Padmavati. The king of the state wished that his minister`s daughter Malati should marry a youth named Nandana. But Malati was in love with Madhava. It was love at first sight. Both Malati and Madhava drew each other portrait to reciprocate their love. Malati suspected her father`s motives in falling in with the King`s plans for her.

There is a sub-plot in the play Malati Madhava. It involves the love story of Malati and Madhava friends Makaranda and Madayantika. When a tiger attacks Madayantika then Makaranda saves her, getting wounded in the process. After a number of processes, the play has a happy ending with the two couples uniting.

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