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Sattva purusayoh suddhi satnye kaivalyam iti
This is the fifty-sixth yogic sutra, which has been incorporated in the third phase of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

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Sattva purusayoh suddhi satnye kaivalyam iti, Patanjali Yoga SutraThe fifty-sixth yoga sutra explains about the honest purity of intelligence that equalises with the sinlessness of the soul. This is kaivalya - a state on complete undividable existence. In such a state, a yogi is free from ignorance; every source of suffering is exhausted. Now the soul radiates in pristine beauty.

sattva pure illuminative consciousness
purusayoh soul
suddhi of purity
samye becoming equal
kaivalyam perfect aloneness, unmingled freedom, pure, simple,
perfect in one`s self
iti this

When the purity of intelligence equals the purity of the soul, the yogi has reached kaivalya - perfection in yoga.

When the vestures of the soul are equal in purity to that of the soul, harmony resides between them. There comes freedom, kaivalya, of the seer, uncontaminated by the qualities of nature.

By yogic discipline, the veil of ignorance is lifted from intelligence. This is the real and true light - vivekaja jnanam, illuminative consciousness. It becomes equal to that of the light of the soul, purusa. The differentiation between intelligence and consciousness comes to an end. Both dissolve in the beacon light of the soul. They are isolated from contact with nature`s objects. The seeds of suffering are burnt up. The vestures either become isolated and functionless, or are lifted to the level of their wearer. This is freedom. Now the Soul shines in its immaculate form, in its pure effulgence - it reigns supreme. This is kaivalya, the indivisible state of existence

Here ends the exposition on vibhuti, the third pada of Patanjali`s Yoga Sutras.

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