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Study of Face Shape
Physiognomy, in the science of astrology, plays a great role in understanding the trait of an individual. The mouth, neck, chin, cheeks, lips, teeth and tongue convey a special significance about an individual.

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Study of Face Shape, PhysiognomyPhysiognomy or the study of shape of face is of great importance to determine the basic characteristics and future of the individual. In a way the shape of face is considered immensely important to determine the future of the respective individual. Hence the palmists have provided special emphasis on the shape of an individual`s face. Different parts of the face such as mouth, neck, chin, cheeks, lips, teeth, tongue and the way an individual laughs convey a special significance to determine the future of the individual.

Shape of Mouth in Indian Astrology
The palmists have also provided several facts about the shape of the different parts of the face. According to the description given by the palmists, if the mouth is small it is considered favourable. When the mouth is found to be wide-spread in its shape then it indicates poverty but if the mouth is broad and spread wide then it is considered inauspicious.

Shape of Neck in Indian Astrology
The second category belongs to the shape and size of the neck. A small neck indicates good fortune. Such individual never lacks material gains and makes enormous progress in life. A round and strong neck indicates wealth. A person having conch shell-shaped neck is a king. Such people live in majestic grandeur never lose that splendor even if he has no money. A person having buffalo-like big neck is found to be strong physically. A person having a bullock-like neck has short age. Such individual cannot live their complete life. A long-necked person is lascivious and indulges in immoral relationship. An inclined-necked person is a back-biter and he also earns enormous ill fame in society. A woman, whose bones of the neck are visible, is considered unlucky. In spite of their earnest efforts such individual cannot make any progress in their lives. Thick-neck for a woman is considered inauspicious. If the nerves of the neck are visible then the woman is poor. It also indicates that she has to work hard in order to earn his livelihood. If the neck of a woman is very long then she brings a bad name on her family. A woman is considered the best if she has a beautiful shapely and four-fingered neck. Such a neck is also considered auspicious because it makes the woman lucky and fortunate.

Shape of Chin in Indian Astrology
The shape of the chin is also significant in the study of face in palmistry. If the chin is round and fleshy then that person is rich. On the contrary, long, thin and weak chin indicates poverty. When the jaws are round then they are considered auspicious. Also if the front of the chin is beautiful and tender then it is considered auspicious. If the front part of the chin is reddish then it is considered inauspicious. It can bring hindrances in the way of individual`s success. If the chin of woman measures two fingers and if it is fleshy and beautiful then the woman is fortunate. If there is hair on the chin of a woman then she is immoral. Such individual are often found to indulge in illicit relationship.

Shape of Cheeks in Indian Astrology
The cheeks are considered to be the one of the important factors of the shape of the face. If the cheeks are found to be plump then the person is happy. He passes all his life with immense pleasure and happiness. Fleshy cheeks indicate amorous dalliance. Such individuals are found to be flirt. Those who have cheeks bulging like a lion are kings and a kingly grandeur is seen in his way of living. Those women who have hair on their cheeks are very lively by nature. The complexities of world hardly matters to them. If there are no nerves visible on the cheeks then she is considered like a goddess. Women having dimples in their cheeks are materialistic and love many things.

Shape of Lips in Indian Astrology
The lips of the individual play an important role in determining the nature of the individual. The palmists have also given illustration regarding the different shapes and size of lips. Persons having red lips are rich. Pink lips indicate intelligence in an individual. Those who have big lips are religious. Persons having long lips are fond of amorous dalliance. They often engaged in illicit relationship in order to satisfy their lascivious desires. A person having zigzag lips leads an unhappy life. Throughout his life he leads a strained and disturbed domestic life. Dry, thin and ugly lips indicate poverty. The red and greasy lips of the woman are considered auspicious. Such women can achieve enormous success and pleasure in life. Curved and zigzag lips of a woman denote hard luck. Such women have struggled a lot in order to achieve progress in life. A black and thick lipped woman is denied of the conjugal happiness. If the lips of woman are very big then it indicates that she likes quarrelling. If the upper lip is tender, inclined and greasy then the woman is fortunate one. She achieves success and often makes big accomplishment solely due to the figure of luck. If the lower lip of a woman is protruded upwards then she will surely be a widow in future. A round and reddish lip of a woman is considered auspicious. Such women can achieve full happiness in her conjugal life.

Shape of Teeth in Indian Astrology
Teeth are an important part and it has significant importance in atrology. According to the art of face reading a person having thirty-one teeth loves amorous dalliance. He is also very lascivious. Persons having fewer teeth always remain poor. Those persons whose teeth fall gradually have longevity. If the teeth of a person are separate from one another then he is found to enjoy the wealth of others either by legacy or by any other means. If the teeth of a woman are sharp, white, straight and are joined with each other then she is a fortunate one. She never lacks happiness and material pleasures in her life. Those women who have sixteen teeth on each side (upper and lower sides) and are as white as cow`s milk are very fortunate. They are too much liked by their husband and their conjugal life is full of happiness. Those women who have small teeth, they live dejected and miserable life. Those that have more teeth on the lower jaw do not get the happiness. Such people lose their mother during birth or at an early age. A woman having white gums is extremely dishonest. Thick and terrible teeth of a woman indicate misery. Throughout the life such woman has to fight with the terrible situation coming in the way of their life. If the teeth are separate and have gaps then she is found to be a promiscuous woman. If a woman has a tooth over another tooth then she is clever, selfish and dictates her husband. Those who have black gums have the tendency of theft.

Shape of Tongue in Indian Astrology
The shape of the tongue also helps to determine the character of the individual. If a man has a red, thin and tender tongue then he is very wise, clever and a devotee of God. Those individual whose tongue is sharp in front and reddish, enjoys all the happiness of life. Black or blue tongue indicates poverty. Thick and equitably wide tongue indicates the foolishness of a person. One, who can touch the tip of the teeth, can be a great ascetic or a devotee. Such people have strong belief over God and his own religion. A person having long tongue is blunt. He is completely dull and cannot make enough progress in life. Those women who have narrow tongues are considered inauspicious. A woman who has a thick tongue does not enjoy her full age with proper happiness. A woman having a reddish tongue has the tendency to be the best and superior. Such women generally marry the best husband. A woman having a black tongue is quarrelsome. She does not even come to a reconcilement at any stage. A woman having very wide tongue suffers from unhappiness continuously.

However, the study of the different shapes of face of an individual is extremely essential for determining the true nature of the individual.

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