Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu was called a garden city. Now, most of the gardens have vanished but still the names Kilpauk Garden, Sylvan Garden, Poes Garden etc cherish the memory of the people. But, some of those are gardens are still surviving and about 80 small and big gardens are being maintained by the Chennai Corporation maintains. Among them, `My Lady`s Garden` is the chief garden. It is a well-decorated flower garden where the Corporation holds its annual flower show.
Prizes are also given to the best-maintained traffic islands and gardens. A show of flower arrangements is also organised here. Bonsai trees, musical fountain, vegetables carving etc. are also exhibited during the flower show.
Napier Park of Tamil Nadu:
It is a big Corporation Park with May Day Memorial in the heart of the city near Anna Salai beside the river Cooum.
The Panagal Park in T.Nagar and Nageswara Rao Panthulu Park at Mylapore are other important major parks of the Corporation that attract visitors. The Corporation band plays Carnatic music during evenings by rotation on a weekly basis.
The Guindy National Park of Tamil Nadu:
It is mainly a deer sanctuary where a variety of birds, the black buck, spotted deer, civet cats, jackals, mongoose and monkeys are also found.
There is a Snake Park near it where about 200 species of snakes including King Cobras and black serpents are reared besides lizards, chameleons, crocodiles and spiders. The visitors get enthralled by the site of the snakes in cluster on tree branches and pits. Here, the venom is extracted from the snakes on Saturdays between 4.00 and 5.00 p.m. The visitors can witness this heart-chilling experience.
Children`s Park of Tamil Nadu:
There is an amusement park for children near the snake park with various types of play materials, which can be enjoyed by the children.
Gandhi Mandapam of Tamil Nadu:
This is a memorial to the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi. It has a gallery and five pillared Mandapam with exquisite carvings. Gandhi Jayanthi is celebrated every year here. Some other important functions are held here on every Sunday between 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Numerous devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother of Pondicherry gather here to pray and meditate. The memorials of Rajaji, Kamaraj and Bhaktavat-salam are adjacent to it.
Vandalur Zoo of Tamil Nadu:
The zoological garden of Tamil Nadu was earlier situated in Chennai. The government has shifted it to Vandalur and named as Anna Zoological Park. It is spread over an area of 1,265 acres. It is said to be the largest in South Asia and has a rich variety of different species of mammals, reptiles and birds. The animals are seen roaming in natural surroundings. One can go round the zoo by a battery-operated car. There is a special enclosed space for nocturnal creatures. Safari parks, an aquarium and a natural museum are the other attractions in the zoo. Buses ply from all places in the city to the zoo.