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Body Marks
Body Marks point to the inherent characteristics nature and character of the individual. Hence the palmists provide special emphasis to the study of different lines on the palm.

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Body marks are considered as an important aspect of the science of palmistry. Hence the palmists provide special emphasis, to the study of body and the body marks along with the study of different lines on the palm. According to the science of palmistry, the body marks can reveal major part of the future of the individual. The significant body marks are noticed generally in the body parts like ears and nose. An eminent palmist makes a thorough research of the marks in the body while studying the palm.

The palmists have given a thorough reference of the marks found on the ear. If the ears are protruded and their ends are prominent and big, then the person is considered fortunate. If the ears are long since birth then he is happy. One, whose ears are thick, is found to be very tender by nature. A person, whose ears are small, is intelligent. One whose ears are conch-like makes enormous progress in his life and he is found to have reached a high post in the military services. Individual with flat ear is found to be lascivious and he has the tendency to keep illicit relationship and participating in amorous activities. Some individuals have ears with long hair forecast longevity. Very large ears indicate that the individual is prone to be a leader. Such individuals also have the exceptional qualities of leadership. Very small ears indicate miserly habits. Such people like to live on others. Dryness in the ears indicates poverty and the large and fully spread ears indicate cruel nature. People with large and spread ears are mainly found to be a criminal. A large ear but not so spread and wide indicates that the individual will achieve enormous honour. Ears without greasiness indicate weakness. Such people remain weak throughout their life. A woman, having hair on ears, becomes widow but the large ears of a woman are considered fortunate and auspicious.

The second part is nose, which is considered equally important as of the ears. The signs found on the nose are considered significant to determine the nature and fortune of the individual. The palmists also have given illustration of those signs found on the nose of an individual. If the nose is four fingers long then it indicates longevity. A person, having protruded nose, indicates that the person has a god character. A person, having an elephant-like nose, is lascivious and indulges in the illicit and immoral relationship. A person, having a parrot-like nose, remains happy throughout his life.

A person, having a straight nose, remains fortunate for the whole of his life. Individuals with small nostrils are found to be lucky. Such people often get big achievements only due to the favor of luck. A person, having inclined front portion of nose, is prosperous economically. He never lacks the material pleasure in his life. A pointed nose indicates kingship. Such individuals live their life in majestic grandeur. A small nose indicates religious personality. Such individuals are found to refrain from all earthly pleasures and they cling to the religion and spiritual matters. If the tip of the nose of a person is divided into two parts then he is a poor person. He has to struggle a lot in order to earn livelihood. A flat-nosed person is simple by nature. The complexity of the world hardly matters to him. If a cut mark is found on anyone`s nose then it indicates that the individual is a sinner. A nose, inclined to the right, indicates weakness. Such individual remains sickly and frail throughout their life. Weakness in their personality is also noticed. Big nostrils are considered auspicious. Such individuals are found to be fortunate throughout his life. If the nose of a woman is small then she is laborious by nature. But the flat and long nose of a woman is considered detrimental as it indicates widowhood.

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