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Purchase of Adjacent Plot - Vastu Shastra
There are some simple tips recommended by Vastu Shastra for purchasing the adjacent plots.

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Adjacent plots are the plots nearing to the original plot or building. According to Vastu Shastra these plots also should be purchased while keeping in mind some simple points:-

While purchasing the adjacent plot of the original plot or building or while making a deal for purchase or sale of such plot, it should be done only when the sun is in the Vishakha, Revati, Aashlesha, Anuradha, Purva, Mrig, Mul etc. The auspicious constellations should be done on Monday, Thursday or Friday.

•If a plot adjacent to the plot in the northeast direction is available it should be definitely purchased at any cost. This increases the northeast side of the building which leads to prosperity and wealth beyond expectations.

•On the north side if a plot is purchased leaving the north-west corner there is an increase in wealth. If the entire north side with the north east and the north-west corner is purchased it is very beneficial. But purchasing a plot only in the north-west corner of the north side means that there is an increase in the north west direction, which is not proper. There is no progress in business in such direction.

•If a plot whether it is big or small is available in the south-east, the south-west or the west side it should never be purchased. Even if the land is dirt cheap or free of cost. Happiness is lost loss, of wealth, accident or theft expected in such cases.

•An adjacent plot in the south or the west side should not be purchased or taken on rental basis. It leads to quarrels and there is a continuous loss. Therefore, temptation to purchase such plots because it is cheap should be avoided at any cost.

•While living in a flat, if a flat on any of the upper floors is available it should definitely be purchased. Even if it is a little costly, it should be purchased. It would definitely prove beneficial. However, before purchasing, it should be ascertained that the construction of the internal rooms etc. is as per Vastushastra principles. An old flat with fixed unmovable furniture can be purchased, but not with old movable furniture.

•If there is a canal, drain, river or road on the east or the north sides of our building no flat or building on the opposite side should be purchased. However, a flat or building on the other side of the road, canal, drain or river in the south or the west directions of our building should be purchased. It is very beneficial and brings good health and wealth to the owner.

•If a plot is available on the east, the north or the north-east side of the own plot it should be definitely purchased. However, if the plot is adjacent to the plot the intervening compound wall should be removed and minimum construction work should be done in this plot leaving most of it vacant. At any cost due to the purchase of the new plot, the east, the north or the north-east side of our plot should not become heavy or high.

•As far as possible plot on hill should not be purchased. If at all, it is to be purchased, it should be on level ground with residences around it. If a plot on the downward slope of a hill is to be purchased standing at the middle of the hill with slope on the north and the east a plot is available, it should be purchased. But a plot with slopes on the west should not be purchased. The same rules are applicable for agricultural plots and other type of plots.

•As far as possible plot with common well should not be purchased. However, if the common well is coming in the east, the north-east or the north such plots can be purchased. But full benefits are not obtained from such plots.

•If the adjacent plot is for sale, but the owner is not willing to sale. In such conditions by persuading him and without giving him any trouble it is possible by following the rational methods of Vastushastra. Even from an old tenant the plot can be vacated. For this no supernatural help is taken.

•If in the adjacent plot there are many deaths or if illegal businesses or sad events have taken place there, such plots should not be purchased. Every new place should be measured as per the layout plan before purchasing. It is also necessary to check all the corners as per rules of Vastushastra.

•While purchasing a place on the double road crossing it should be in the south-west corner. This would give us roads on the east and the north. A plot adjacent to a bridge, if the bridge is in the east or the north of the plot, should not be purchased at any cost. But if the bridge is in the south or the west it can do to some extent.

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