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A natural phenomenon, Kundalini is the liberation of innate power from the body through the head.

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Kundalini , The evolutionary energyEverybody has an inner drive to outshine or be special in something- to stand out exceptional. Sometimes people try to attain this by negative means. The underlying drive in all humanity, however, is one of evolution- to accomplish enlightenment, to be God-like, while still human.

In the Upanishads it is expressed-
Dwelling in this very body, we have somehow realised Brahman [expansion, evolution, the Absolute, Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer of the universe]; otherwise we should have remained ignorant and great destruction would have overtaken us. Those who know Brahman become immortal while others only suffer misery. [IV, iv, 14/ Swami Nikhilananda translation.

In the New Testament, Jesus had answered-
Is it not written in your own law, "I said: You are gods"? Those who are called gods to whom the word of God was delivered - and Scripture can not be set aside." [John 10:34-35/The New English Bible]1

It is discovered that one is called to go further than one`s humanness towards superior heights. The Kundalini energy pushes every man toward his ambition of enlightenment- knowing the light, knowing God.

It Tibetan Yoga and in other confidential philosophies, it is expressed-
By means of Shakti Yoga, energy discipline, the Tantric yogin achieves control of body and mind and then continues towards the massive task of arousing the inactive, or innate, powers of divinity within oneself, embodied as the sleeping Goddess Kundalini…. Then, from the mystical unification of Shakta [at the top of the head] and the Shakti, is born. Enlightenment, and the Yogin have achieved the Goal.

Kundalini, a Sanskrit word, meaning `circular power`, is a mortal`s basic evolutionary vigour. Every human is born with some quantity of this energy previously flowing. The amount obtainable and functional, determines whether a person possesses low intelligence, or is a mastermind, or is halfway.

It is not just an issue of utilising what one already possesses, but of arousing the much bigger amount waiting in the Kundalini reservoir, positioned at the bottom of the spine.

Kundalini is a natural drive, common to every human. It is not a religion, though it is practiced by some religions and the process can heighten and improve each person`s own religious faiths. Ancient Eastern Literature contains an enormous deal of information on the Kundalini. This is not true of Western Literature; but more is in the process of being written. As interest in the Aquarian Age develops swiftly and brings stronger energies to aid unplanned Kundalini release, people in all walks of life, all ages and all levels of maturation, experience Kundalini, irrespective of culture, philosophical or religious backgrounds.

Little information is available for people who have not even learned about Kundalini and marvel at the causes of their physical, mental, or emotional distress or breakdown. Even those in the development and help fields do not have easy admittance to information for counseling those who discharge extra Kundalini before their systems are ready and go through tribulations on all levels of life, as if 220 energy unexpectedly coursed through their 110 units; fuses blow and circuitry melts.

One explanation for the lack of information is that several people, although conversant, are concerned about the Kundalini power`s Potential for harm; they feel nothing should be don with it-- no exercises and no instruction-because of the probability that this tremendous force will turn caustic. This attitude is much similar like the people who say that, `if you don`t educate children about sex, there wont be any problems`.

Another explanation is that many people consider Kundalini as a new age craze. Nothing could be farther from the genuineness. Kundalini can be regarded the oldest known science. In former ages, people raised Kundalini under the supervision of teachers and in restricted circumstances, preserving what they learned as an esoteric awareness. But humanity ahs entered a period of time, in which the esoteric transforms into exoteric.

People whose Kundalini was raised without their knowledge, linking symptoms of their condition to others, were commonly considered fanatical or bodily weak; they may even have believed themselves crazy. The process may require great perplexity and anxiety beyond the elation and sense of being intoxicated.

It is evident from their writings that Christian mystics had experiences of released Kundalini, which they denoted to as agonies. They understood the procedure as one, which would bring unification with God.

Gopi Krishna has been a contemporary proponent of this evolutionary force. His own Kundalini liberation came from meditation practices, he had undertaken without prior formal schooling. He had spent years working with and understanding what was happening to him. His experiences and writings have been quite advantageous to others who have not had prior schooling.

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