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Childbirth Fever or Prasuti Jwara
Childbirth fever is the most common of all the disorders that a woman suffers after childbirth.

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Childbirth fever is also called puerperal fever. This kind of fever was at one time one of the common causes for mortality among mothers. This fever is the most common of all the disorders that a woman is subject to after she has given birth to a child.

Causes and Symptoms: Childbirth fever is of various types and has grades of severity. After the birth of the child the mother is liable for several reasons i.e. to contract any infectious disease to which she may be exposed. In the first place she is much weakened by the strain through which she has passed. Very often it can be seen that by the loss of a great quantity of blood she becomes very weak. In the second place, the injuries incidental to childbirth produce raw surfaces in the genital tract from which absorption occurs very easily.

The symptoms of puerperal fever appear on the second or third day after labour. There is general discomfort and feverishness, rise of temperature, quickening of the pulse, and pain in the lumbar region are the other symptoms. Inflammation of the pelvic region may also be present in some cases. The fever may rise further and if the infection is not controlled, peritonitis may set in. In some cases this can even leads to a most serious condition known as septicaemia or general blood poisoning. In some cases, the symptoms may not be checked and death may occur because of the involvement of the heart.

In case the temperature goes beyond 39.4°C, cold compresses should be applied to reduce it. If the patient is very weak and complains of dizziness, a blood transfusion should be given.

Medicines & Prescriptions:
Prataplankeshwar Rasa, Sanjivani, Shuddha Tankan: 240 mg of Prataplankeshwar, and 120 mg each of Sanjivani and Shuddha Tankan should be taken thrice daily with juice of ginger and honey.

Devadarbadi Quath: 58 mg to be taken in one dose in the morning.

Saubhagya Vati: 240 ml to be taken twice during the day.

Dashmularishta: 20 ml to be taken after saubhagya vati and that too with water.

If the fever is very high, Shri Jaimangal Rasa should be given in place of Sanjivani. If the fever continues for some days in spite of medication, Putpakwavisham-jwarantaka Lauha and Vasantmalati may be given in doses of 20 ml each and it should be given thrice daily.

Diet and Other Regimen: A woman suffering from childbirth fever must be given nutritious foods that can be digested easily. Milk with sugar should be the mainstay of her diet. Sour and astringent substances should be avoided.

Clean, healthy surroundings are must for a woman suffering from childbirth fever. Complete rest is indicated. Her genitals must be properly douched with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to keep them clean.

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