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Chakra Flows
Chakra flow, necessary for sufficient development of Kundalini, flows in two specific directions.

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Chakra FlowsAn underdeveloped person normally has several blocks around the edges of, or actually in, the chakras, slowing the energy or causing erroneous flow. After adequate development and chakra purification, a follower of Kundalini directs the energy towards a circular motion, such that it rotates clockwise from outside the body, counterclockwise from inside the body. This movement puts the chief force of the flow to the left, underlining the emotional and spiritual levels, establishing a solid base to work from, and heightening realising of energies. At later stages followers are asked to reverse this flow, this accentuates the right side or mental level and develops psychic abilities, power and force. The threat in developing the right side first is that followers would not have the intellect and perception to use the energy substantially and may not only find themselves in a little more trouble, but also find many things occurring to them they do not comprehend and do not know how to work with or manage.

In some people, the general chakra flow is tipped upward; this usually indicates the Poilyana kind, who thinks everything is fantastic and perceives only the good things in life. While it is pleasant to see the positive and the good, one must be conscious of the negative side of people, lest one missteps over them. The opposite circumstance is the person whose chakra flow is always headed en route for the ground; such a person can be skeptical, or in prosperous times have had immense benevolence, though of a kind in which there is a feeling of arrogance. When chakra flow tips more towards the right, a person will be judgmental and overly mental. When chakra flow tips to the left, an individual may be overly emotional, trying to understand things to the point of not working well.

Some people possess high amounts of poorly assimilated energy in the body such that the energy may flow in and out of the chakras with great force. When energy goes out in immense force, a person can be left manic or in states of unmaintainable rapture. The individual does not have a good energy connection in the body. Energy drops and inclines to go deep, creating a depressed state. The energy is literally pressed into the body. If one has these highs and lows, it is best advised not to try to let the thighs be exceedingly high or the lows exceedingly low; one must work to attain balance. One must try to feel the energy all over the body. It is suggested to take the energy of the rapture or the depression, spread it all over the body and assimilate it into oneself, until one feels more symmetrical.

Chakra Flows Within a more developed person, the chakras will gently flow in the direction which the person`s destiny design commands. When necessary, they will flow in the opposite direction. A chakra is much like a spinning bowl; in more matured people, there will be smaller vortices flowing within this bowl, like petals just inside the rim. In the empathetic and loving heart, chakra, for instance, there are twelve petals. In the solar plexus chakra there are ten petals. There are twelve in the smaller crown chakra and 960 in the outer crown chakra.

When a chakra and its petals flow appropriately, a certain frequency is set up opening a person to psychic abilities or higher spiritual levels. A more, greatly developed person works at a higher octave of energy frequency. With a chakra cleansed and spinning appropriately, an individual has access through that frequency to higher octaves and may operate on greater magnitudes. As psychic or spiritual abilities are developed, wakefulness and understanding of cosmic energy and other gifts flourish.

It should be borne in mind that the beginner should not yet work for the greater octaves; until the areas are purified and suitably allied, distortions of energy, information and behaviour may result, resulting a person feeling as if he or she had gone backwards in maturation.

One should never get hung up on any symbol or colour one is "supposed" to perceive in each chakra. As the chakras are purified and developed, one will see numerous symbols, including the crescent moon, squares, stars, triangles, diamond shapes and circles. Colours will change as one is working on various energy frequencies. Pushing oneself to work too early with the petals and the colours dictated for each chakra can cause discomforts and poor health. As a person progresses to greater octaves (levels), the chakra colours will be dazzling or radiant. In an underdeveloped state, the colours are pretty monotonous or dark areas may illustrate.

Underdeveloped people who have unbalanced chakra energy flow may relate to the world primarily through one or two chakras. For instance, one is a sexual chakra; it will not weigh what one talks about- the person will soon revolve it to a discussion of sex or use sexual phrases. An exaggeratedly emotional person will always get into feelings, no matter what the subject is. The exaggeratedly mental may be unaware of the emotional arid, sometimes unaware of the body as well. One needs, as much as possible, to work for unprejudiced chakra flow.

Chakra Flows The chakras are positioned in an etheric level, just outside the body. As one develops this area, one will find other chakras more far-flung from the body. On the outside edge of the emotional or astral aura, for instance, there will be another chakra; outside the mental aura another, and so on through the seven bodies. These chakras ultimately need to be developed, but their development is based on the maturity of the ones just outside of the physical body.

A radio has one basic energy approaching into it-electricity. Changing the frequency of that energy makes it possible to receive different stations. It is similar with every human; individuals possess the basic Kundalini energy and spiritual energy and the chakras can alter these energies to varied frequencies. Some communicate with emotions, some to sexual feelings or untainted love, mental, psychic, healing abilities and various other functions. Learning to check and develop these areas is part of the training of overcoming energies.

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