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Virechana in Ayurveda is the process by which increased doshas situated in the intestines are eliminated from the body through the anus.

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Virechana, Treatment in AyurvedaVirechana in Ayurveda is defined as a purgative treatment that purifies and cleanses the small intestine and other associated pitta - dominant organs such as the gall bladder and liver, mainly in the mid-zone of the body. This treatment can be performed in any season depending on the severity of the diseases.

Virechana Karma, mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, is known to be the best cure for treating the diseases emerging from vitiation of the pitta dosha. Virechana is a natural and herb induced purging process that automatically ceases once the accumulated aama and toxins are eliminated. Virechana therapy works in a downward direction to remove pitta related aama and excess pitta in the form of acidic secretions.

Types of Virechana
Virechana therapy is classified into two categories on the basis of the doshas involved. They are as follows:

1. Snigdha Virechana - This is given to the individuals with Pitta dosha is associated with Vata Dosha.
2. Rooksha Virechana - It is given to the individuals with Pitta Dosha coupled with the Kapha Dosha.

Procedure of Virechana
In Virechana therapy, vitiated doshas and toxins are eliminated through the rectum. The therapy involves intake of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines that destroy the doshas and toxin from the body and bring them to the abdomen. Since Pitta is situated at the level of intestines, it is best to expel it from the anal route. The Ayurvedic medicines used for the therapy may vary from person to person depending on the patient"s digestion strength. During the Virechana Ayurvedic treatment, the patient will be subjected to oral intake of Ayurvedic medicines followed by fermentation. The patient will also be subjected to a personalised light and warm diet.

Benefits of Virechana
Virechana is a very controlled process, which gathers aama from many pitta locations in the body and concentrates it in the small intestine and then eliminates it. This therapy also purifies pitta function and consequently balances and strengthens all the metabolic processes of the body.

Virechana treatment is also beneficial for all types of pitta associated disorders of the body. It includes colitis, hyperacidity, chronic headaches, allergies and skin diseases like acne, leprosy, urticaria, etc. It is also good for migraine headaches and malabsorption.

Cautions about Virechana
Virechana is never prescribed to persons who have fever, lack of appetite or in weak and feeble conditions. This treatment should not be used on infants, pregnant women and elderly people. This process is also contraindicated for people who are suffering from extremely weak digestion, dehydration, acute fever or emaciation or those who pass blood with their stools.

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