Aries is a zodiac sign which is also known as "Mesha" in Indian astrology. Aries is the first sign of zodiac chart. Sun transits through this zodiac from 20th March – 20th April. Anyone born on these dates will have Aries as their Sun sign. `Ashwini`, `Bharani` and `Krittika` are the constellation belonging to this zodiac. Moon placed in these Nakshatra at birth will colour the individual"s thinking process with same zodiacal traits. Aries is active, energetic, excitable and impulsive, optimistic, open to change and new experiences.
Ruling Planet of Aries
The ruler of this zodiac is Mars. Aries is the sign of intellect, and people born in this sign have much higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ) than average. In astrology, Mars"s influence denotes courage, passion and competition. Their natural enthusiasm also makes them an initiator with fierce loyalty towards their ideologies and ideas.
Physical Characteristics of Aries
The physical features of this sign are too prominent to ignore. They have broad shoulders and solid body structure. Many of them walk with their shoulders thrown forward leaned backward.
General Characteristics of Aries
The people born in this zodiac are bluntly self assertive, enthusiastic, energetic and always the leader in the crowd. The qualities of Aries are too forceful and energized to be subtle. Ariens may seem to be a bit self-centred and demanding like a child. They are naturally friendly and trusting towards others and barely clutter their minds with complexities, grudges and bitter memories. They are extremely loyal and warm and live their life with a spirit of adventure and independence. These people are highly idealistic and fight off to any extent to protect their beliefs. They are also very emotional and vulnerable and get hurt easily.
The negative traits of this sign can be manifested in the form of extreme selfishness, cruelty and ego. It is tough for them to see their mistakes and is too egoistical to see others point of view. This usually creates a lot of problem for them in relationships, especially in married life. Ariens have a well-deserved reputation for not finishing what they have begun. One of the pitfalls of being an Aries is that they are essentially self-involved.
Health of Aries
Aries rules brain, cerebral hemispheres of brain, eyes and face. Aries people are prone toward headaches, and subject to minor injuries around the head and face. Mars give them ample of physical vitality and strength for a robust health. Yet when they fall ill it can be pretty serious, with high fevers and malfunctioning directly affecting brain.
Career of Aries
Aries can be the most proficient go-getter, and do well in stimulating and challenging situations. Their drive makes them apt in the field of military, law enforcement, fire-fighting, and medicine.
Amorous Nature of Aries
Being in love with Arien can be the most romantic affair in one"s life. Aries love with stardust in their eyes. Yet, their occasional thoughtlessness can cause many a heartbreaks. If the partner enjoys Mars enthusiasm, shares the optimistic ideologies of the Aries and understand his innocence veiled by aggressiveness, an Arien partner will prove to be a wonderful and romantic lover who will believe in magical romance.
Compatibility Signs for Aries
Earth signs like Virgo and Taurus can bring stability and support to the sign. Water signs of Cancer and Pisces can identify with sentimental self of Aries. But fire signs of Leo, and Sagittarius, along with air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are most compatible. Aries have natural affinity towards its own signed people and Librans.
Gemstone for Aries
Diamond is the main birthstone for people born under the Aries zodiac sign, though some other gemstones are also employed along with this precious stone, which are believed to enhance the good qualities of Aries. Carnelian, ruby, bloodstone and garnet are some of the gemstones for this sign.