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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was one who brought about the practice of Sahaja Yoga in order to reinstate the spiritual power

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Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviShri Mataji Nirmala Devi reintroduced the method of Sahaja Yoga. She was born in March 21, 1923 in a Christian family in Chindawara, India. Prasad Salve and Cornelia Salve were the parents of Nirmala Devi. The family was the direct descendent of the royal Shalivahana dynasty. When Nirmala Mataji was born she looked beautiful and had a spotless brilliance. That is the reason why her name was Nirmala, means immaculate.

Later on, she was known towards the multitude by the name of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She had complete Self Realization from her very childhood and at very young age she had the unique gift, which she made available to all mankind later.

Nirmala Mataji`s parents were the freedom fighters in British Governed India. Her father was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi. He was the member of the Constituent Assembly of India and helped to write India`s first constitution. He was also a famous scholar and knew fourteen languages. Prasad Salve also translated Koran in Marathi. Nirmala Mataji`s mother was the first woman in India to receive the Honors degree in Mathematics.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi lived with her parents in the Ashram of Mahatma Gandhi during her childhood. Gandhi found the wisdom in the child and used to appreciate her talent. He also affectionately called her Nepali because of the Nepali features at her face. Gandhiji even used to ask her suggestions in the spiritual matter, as she possessed a deep insight.

Shri Nirmala Mataji was involved in the freedom struggle very closely. She was very courageous and she took a daring role as the youth leader of the campaign. In the year 1942, Gandhiji announced "Quit India Movement", in which Nirmala Mataji took active part and was arrested and prisoned along with the other freedom fighters.

Shri Mataji was born with a complete understanding of the Human nervous system and its energetic counterparts. She wanted to be acquainted with the scientific vocabulary related to these subjects and for this reason she studied medicine and psychology at the Christian Medical College in Lahore.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Shortly before India achieved the independence Shri Nirmala Mataji married Sir C.P.Srivastava, who had knighthood title given by the Queen of England. He was one of the India`s most dedicated Civil Servant Officers. It is believed that Nirmala Mataji brought luck to her husband`s life. She embarked on her spiritual mission after fulfilling her familial duty of bringing up her daughters.

Although Nirmala Mataji was aware about her spiritual consciousness she was not quite sure how to present it to the people of present days. As she was meditating on the various problems of human being on 5th of May 1970 on a lonely beach of Nargol, she was suddenly filled with divine spiritual experience and she found an answer to her question. She went through a historical process to communicate her self-realization with thousands of people and made them go through spiritual transformation.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi tried the method of awakening the spiritual power of every human being, which is called Kundalini by Hindus, Ruh by Muslims and Holy Ghost by the Christians. Sri Mataji tried the process first on her close people and noticed their physical, mental and spiritual changes. Slowly she understood that this process is effective for all human problems and so she decided to spread this method in en-masse level. She invested her own money and time to talk to the people and gave them the key to their spiritual powers. The people who felt the spiritual power experienced a cool breeze over their whole body, especially on their palms of their hands and the top of the head (around the fontanel bone area). Everybody was quite astonished at the working of this process. Many people argued and disputed but they could not disbelieve their own experience. Under the instructions of Shri Mataji, they tried to transform the power to others and thus they realized that they had also gain some true spiritual experience that was found in every religion.

Shri Nirmala Mataji neither charges for her lectures nor for the transformation of the spiritual experience. Even it is not necessary that one have to be the member of the organization. Though it is very surprising that Shri Mataji has no financial support from anybody. She insists that one need not pay for enlightenment and even today she is helping the human beings with this selfless attitude.

Since 1970, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi went through a very busy schedule. She traveled around the world to teach the techniques of Sahaja Yoga meditation. She has demonstrated her capacity to trigger the awakening of the spiritual power in human being or arising of Kundalini at an en masse level.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi A huge number of people irrespective of race, religion, age or social status have acknowledged the value of Nirmala Mataji`s teachings and established Sahaja Yoga Centers in over seventy-five nations. The people who live a normal family life has exploited their inner spiritual power through Sahaja Yoga meditation and have attained a complete balance of their lives on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. They also realized that the integration of all religions and spiritual paths are not only in the mental level but also through their direct tangible experience in the central nervous system. In ancient time, this method evolved which is still very significant in the modern days.

Shri Nirmala Mataji has delivered many lectures, given many televisions and radio interviews and been the subject of hundred of newspaper articles in India as well as all over the world. She is the regular visitor of Russia and UK to serve her spiritual mission. She is well recognized by several prestigious institutions of Europe and America. Mataji has been also a guest in China and Brazil. Shri Mataji was declared "Personality of the Year" in the year1986 by the Italian Government.

Shri Nirmala Mataji was tremendous concerned to create a number of NGOs to alleviate human sufferings. Shri Mataji established an international hospital in Mumbai help patients to be cured by Sahaja yoga methods. This hospital is producing successful results in curing a number of incurable diseases like cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis etc. She has promoted an international cancer research institute in Mumbai studies on the Sahaja yoga method to cure various illnesses, including psychosomatic disease. Shri Nirmala Mataji has built an international music school also to promote classical music. She has also built a charity house for the poor people in Delhi, which provides shelter to destitute and homeless people. She also practiced them the method of Sahaja yoga so that they become better individuals.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has sacrificed her life to trigger spiritual ascent in human souls and reclaimed the role of women in spiritual evolution. She always followed the ideals of Gandhiji. Shri Nirmala Mataji was called divine mother by her followers and Ayatollah Rouhani called her " Messenger of Peace".

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