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Om Mudra
Om mudra is most well known among all the mudras. It is practiced by sitting in the position of Padmasana. Regular practice of om mudra ensures various health benefits.

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Om MudraOm mudra is a symbol of peace and tranquillity. It helps to maintain mental concord and stability. Om mudra can be practiced by sitting in the position of Padmasana. Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting posture originating in meditative practices of ancient India, in which the feet are placed on the opposing thighs.

Om and Mudra
The word "om" is a Sanskrit sound of Hindu origin which helps to bring peace to the body, mind and soul by merging the vibrations of the body with that of the universe. Om is considered as the root mantra in all the vedas. It is observed as sacred in various Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. And "mudra" is a gesture by hand or seal which symbolizes energy. This is one of the most beautiful forms of expression by using the fingers and thumb. Mudra is a voluntary neuromuscular action (contraction) or posture by which the prana is controlled and directed through a particular nadi, known as Mudra. Thus, `om mudra` is a hand sculpture with assurance of multiple benefits.

Om Mudra Practice of Om Mudra
Om mudra can be done by sitting in the position of Padmasana. One has to sit in Padmasana by keeping the back straight. Then he should create the sacred Om mudra by connecting the index finger with the thumb of the same hand. This hand sculpture is to be done in both hands. It is believed that the thumb is the gateway to divine will and the index finger symbolizes ego. After sitting in that particular position, the word `Om` is to be chanted. While doing so, a person should say to himself that "I am one with the Universe" when he is breathing in and as he breathes out "the Universe and I are one". One should chant positively and has the right visualisation of a lifestyle and he will see the benefits over a period of time.

Benefits of Om Mudra
Om mudra comprises of innumerable benefits. It affects the surrounding and human beings through the vibrations. It helps in maintaining the smooth energy flow by the `nadis` which nourishes the internal organs of human body. It also helps one to achieve ultimate self-realization; to improve the production of endorphin so making one feel relaxed and refreshed every time; relaxes and rejuvenates the mind increasing concentration and memory; relives the stress levels etc. But the result of `Om mudra` can only be benefited when it would be practiced for enormous number of times.

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