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Awakening Kundalini by Tantra
Kundalini awakening occurs only when a perfect balance of masculine and feminine exists in the body.

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Awakening Kundalini by TantraIn human beings, Shakti, the feminine aspect is called Kundalini. Kundalini is conceived by the Hindus to be a coiled up energy residing at the base of the spine in the root chakra. The object of the Tantric practice of Kundalini-yoga is to awaken this cosmic energy and make it ascend through the psychic centres, the chakras that lie along the axis of the spine as consciousness potentials. She will then unite above the crown of the head with Shiva the pure consciousness. This union is the aim of Kundalini-yoga: a resolution of duality into unity again, a fusion with the Absolute.

In Tantrism the state of ultimate bliss is a transcendence of dualities male-female, energy-consciousness, Shiva-Shakti.

Process of Kundalini Awakening by Tantra
Kundalini is the most powerful and refined energetic force available to us as human beings. A minimal flow of Kundalini exists in everyone already. It is the energy that animates the body and the physical senses and provides a base level of consciousness. As the flow increases, we begin to access higher realms of consciousness into the spiritual dimensions. When the energy is aroused it ascends through the spinal column in the Sushumna channel passing through each of the chakras on its way to the brain. Kundalini is activated by the energy of Shakti, or sexual energy. Shakti is generated through conscious lovemaking or specific yogic techniques designed to activate this energy.

Meditation may increase attention, sensitivity and access, while the expression of feelings during psychotherapy can promote the actual release of physical and mental blocks in the body and nervous system making the person more whole. This is an attempt by the brain to confront, contain, and eventually integrate blocked feelings and traumas at deeper levels of consciousness. These old repressed traumas encountered in the process must be confronted, felt, and consciously integrated.

There is tendency to go unconscious and into the body and pleasure during sex, this is why Tantra is so useful as a gate to remain in higher states. If you can remain conscious during sex, then this helps us to maintain wakefulness/mindfulness generally in ones life. A full Kundalini awakening occurs only when a perfect balance of masculine and feminine exists in the body. Maintaining a balance between these energies is the essence of tantric practice.

Objective of Kundalini Awakening
The tantric path sees sexual energy as an important expression of Kundalini. The main purpose of the tantric path is to activate Kundalini energy in the body. Those who achieve this awakening live in an ongoing state of bliss. In most people this energy is asleep but it can be aroused through a number of practices involving yogas, meditation and Deeksha, which is the transmission of energy from an awakened person. Research has shown that direct transmission of energy (Deeksha) from an awakened person can stimulate Kundalini awakening in another person very effectively.

Symptoms and Signs of Kundalini Awakening:

•Hearing of sounds inside the head. (Tones, music, hissing, roaring etc)
•Seeing of light inside the head, or seeing the environment as illuminated, visual hallucinations. The feeling of unusual heat or cold in the body or on the skin.
•Sensations of tickling, vibrating, itching, crawling – pleasant or unpleasant - within the body or on the skin.
•Spontaneous, involuntary movements or positions of the body.

Benefits of practising Tantra
Tantra is a spiritual path and differs from other paths in its honouring of the body, using the senses, sexuality, and feelings to help you evolve spiritually. Tantra assists you in realizing your full potential as a human being. You may apply Tantric practices and principles to many areas of life - to relationship and sexual loving, spiritual practice and lifestyle, physical and emotional well-being. At the heart of Tantra is love. The practices and rituals of Tantra, both spiritual and sexual, work to create the conditions necessary for love to flourish and endure. When we achieve states of presence, energy flow, relaxation, harmony, and connection, love emerges and opens the heart. Tantra is a spiritual teaching and philosophy that originated in India well over 2000 years ago. It is still relevant today.

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