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Awakening Kundalini by Chakra
Kundalini being activated at different chakra points other than the root/base chakra.

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Kundalini is a Hindu word for the "sacred transformative energy that awakens consciousness", "the coiled," or the "Serpent power". Many cultures across the world worship the snake as holy with demonstrative healing powers, thus the name "The Serpent Power".

We are born naturally with this "stored" energy, at the base of our spine in which it awaits activation in later years. The aspirations for many who do chakra meditations along with yoga traditions, is to clear the energy centers to allow this Universal Energy of the Kundalini to flow naturally and unhindered. The energy moves upward from the root chakra along the spinal column to the crown. It then showers up and out within the body in an ovular field and cycles back - the process continues like a huge circuit. It is the foundation and basis in the Cosmic Consciousness that produces various degrees of enlightenment. The mystical mind is forever changed by the Kundalini awakening.

Chakras and Kundalini Energies:
Awakening Kundalini by ChakraWhen the chakras are cleansed and emotions have healed one may feel open, clean, wonderful joy and balance. Sometimes this may be mistaken as Kundalini rising, which in fact, is a part of the whole. Many gates are opened at this point so there are numerous symptoms that accompany this transition: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and increased psychic abilities. So going with the flow of things and being energetically aware is important.

Some report the Kundalini being activated at different chakra points other than the root/base chakra. The Kundalini is part of the whole. So if a chakra is "more clear" the Kundalini energy could be more "prevalent" in that sector and eventually will start spreading to other points.

Sometimes the Kundalini might be awakened from the top instead of the root chakra. The action of the "top down" also coincides with the "descension and ascension" process. In "descension" energy is coming down through the spheres passing into your auric energy, ultimately permeating your body. The Life Force is an amazing "creature" and is a gift from Spirit, no matter the way, form or circumstance it becomes activated.

Activation of the energy: When the Kundalini springs forth, there is a tremendous energy surge. It seems to be a cosmic explosion within a tiny structure, the body. This may be felt throughout the body as a vibration, buzzing, stinging sensation. There may be a strong overall electrical feeling to your body. This may also make you more sensitive to many vibrations of daily activities: sounds are louder, colors are brighter and clarity of surroundings and thoughts. One may have dreams of spiritual and religious symbols, most notably a snake integrating within your body. One may experience the psychic sense of smelling sweet odors, hearing music and singing. The existence and development of the Kundalini will mark the person with the permanently co-existing awareness to God, a feeling of Bliss, Oneness, Ecstasy, Nirvana.

The power that is released may be very uncomfortable the first time you feel it. And you will realize that something is drastically different. The surge is incredible, springing like a snake with such force up through your chakras. It may "strike" you by surprise the first time. While meditating this may happen and this force may easily break your concentration. One cannot stay "there" for long without some practice. Total awareness and concentration is required within this level.

Upon doing energy exercises (meditating) you may later feel a very strong but gentle motion of the energy coursing through the chakras/body/mind. You may even feel like your body is actually moving as the energy circulates. It is an amazing feeling! Don`t awaken or lose concentration - it is the Kundalini.

The Kundalini energy works on the chakras as well; cleaning any residual by cleansing and heightening the chakra pieces of the energy puzzle. This is why some people may feel discomforted at times. But in essence, the discomforts shouldn`t last too long. It is a good sign to actively work on the chakras and it`s properties, cleaning, clearing, grounding and most of all circulating the energy. The chakras hold memories, feelings and emotions so it`s important to regularly clean and clear these points to allow for smooth Kundalini energy to flow.

Danger of Kundalini activation : The Kundalini can sometimes be dangerous in the respect that it can cause terrible headaches, increased body temperature, extreme anxiety along with other numerous symptoms within the body and mind. Sometimes the symptoms become severe if the energy isn`t balanced. If we recognize the body as energy, we should be able to tune into any symptoms and help balance the Kundalini energy promptly.

If you feel any physical problems please consult your physician to make sure you are taking care of the physical. To take care of your spiritual, please see a healer, therapist, guides, or guru. Please use your own best judgment and go with someone you trust.

The entire goal is to have a clear balanced energy system, to become aware of the chakras. It is a matter of personal choice for people who do energy work to visualize things differently. Some "see" colors while others "feel" the energy at its point. Most often visualizing takes place while in a meditative state. Meditation is a state where the mind and body relax to allow our higher divine selves to communicate with us on a conscious level. There is no set way to meditate and visualize these energy fields. An individual needs to find what works for them. There is no right or wrong way to visualize just as long as you do. The more you practice the easier it will be to see and feel them.

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