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Flower Remedies in Different Diseases
The flower remedies are most helpful in curing different diseases including mental diseases.

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Flower remedies are helpful in the treatment of all kind of mental disorders which have physical manifestation through various symptoms. The remedies contain a very small amount of flower material.

Various flowers with their healing benefits are as follows:

•Agrimony Flower: Agrimony flower is used to cure hidden worries in mind. The internal tension is the root cause of many diseases.
•Aspen Flower: This flower helps to remove fear of unknown things from a person"s mind.
•Beech Flower: Beech flowers are useful for the people who are intolerant to changes in the surroundings.
•Bleeding Heart Flower: This flower has the medicinal power of releasing painful emotional attachments and heartaches from ended relationships. Bleeding Heart Flower can be helpful for the people who are reconciling themselves for the loss of someone near and dear.
•Centaury: Centaury is one of the important herbs with innumerable healing properties. It is used for gas, colic, bloating, heartburn, and dyspepsia. It helps to heal wounds, ulcers, old sores, and bruises. Centaury is also good for the people who cannot refuse others. Flower Remedies in Different Diseases
•Cerato Flower: This is used to make people more confidants, which enables them to make decisions.
•Cherry Plum Flower: This flower acts like antidepressant for people who think that their mind is giving away.
•Chestnut Buds Flower: This flower treats emotional imbalances and helps to gain the innate capacity to learn from own failures.
•Chericory: Chericory is for the people who are too possessive of people and things.
•Clematis: It is used by the people who dream too much about their future but has no activity in the present.
•Elm: This flower is suitable for the people who are scared of taking responsibilities.
•Gentian Flower: It is good for the people who are not confident about their own abilities.
•Gorse: It is for the people who are always depressed about their position in life, and become hopeless.
•Heather Flower: This flower is used to lower urinary tract conditions, prostate enlargement, fluid retention, gout, arthritis, sleep disorders, breathing problems, cough, and colds.
•Holly Flower: This is for the people who bear too much hatred for the others.
•Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle is for the people who always remain within their pasts.
•Hornbeam: It is for the people who are too tired and have the habit of procrastinating always.
•Impatiens: It cures the people who always think of their own good only. Flower Remedies in Different Diseases
•Larch Flower: Larch flower is for the people who are timid and can not overcome their shyness.
•Mimulus Flower: Mimulus flower is for the people who are unreasonably scared of natural phenomena.
•Mustard Flower: Mustard flower is for those who are temperamental and gloomy for no apparent reasons.
•Oak Flower: Oak flower is for those who exert themselves more than their capacities.
•Olive Flower: Olive flower is beneficial for people who recover from the long illness.
•Pine: Pine is for the people who have a perpetual guilty conscience.
•Pink Yarrow: Pink Yarrow is for the people who have some kind of loss in their lives.
•Rock Rose Flower: It promotes calmness and relaxation and treats panic, stress, extreme fear, and anxiety.
•Rock Water Flower: It is for the people who are too staunch in dealing with themselves.
•Sclera: This flower is for the people who are at a loss when it comes to deal with the options.
•Star of Bethlehem Flower: This flower is for those who have suffered from serious trauma.
•Sweet Chestnut Flower: This flower is for those who think that they have done everything and still nothing seems to work.
•Tiger Lily: Tiger lily is for the people who are extremely aggressive.
•Vervain: It is beneficial for the people who are hyperactive.
•Water Violet Flower: This flower is for the people who are very proud and are therefore not friendly with others.
•Walnut Flower: It is for those who are undergoing some transitions in their lives.
•White Chestnut: It is for those who harbour unwanted thoughts in their minds.
•Wild Oats: It gives result for the people who never settle down.
•Willow Flower: This flower is for those who bear grudges against someone.

Rescue Remedy
Rescue remedy is another important aspect of flower remedies. The blend of five flowers like the cherry plum, clematis, impatiens, rockrose and the star of Bethlehem carefully prepare this remedy. It possesses the curative property of all the five flowers. It gives the benefit all together.

The Rescue remedy is beneficial in different situations like undue stress caused due to examination, migration, new employment etc. It reduces depression or panicky feeling during pregnancy. This remedy is also effective in loss of sleep i.e. insomnia. When there is some trauma due to some physical or personal loss, rescue remedy comes in help. This blend of flower extracts is also beneficial in extreme emotions such as fright, anger or sorrow.

Rescue remedy is more commonly available in bottle form. This is also available in the forms of creams and spray. However, the bottle method is most convenient, popular and used worldwide.

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