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Ayurvedic Pickles and Chutneys
Pickles and chutneys generally accompany the staple Indian diet and have their own importance.

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Ayurvedic Pickles and ChutneysPickles and chutneys are the specialty of Indian food. They generally accompany the staple diet and have their own importance. Like raitas they are also not eaten in huge quantity. It is generally suggested that Pitta prakriti usually avoid pickles as they aggravates Pitta except for sweet pickles and chutneys. While pickles are stored in jars chutney is consumed after it is made.

There are a variety of pickle, which forms part of the Indian diet. The regular ones are as follows
* Carrot pickle is known to aggravate Pitta dosha.
* Turmeric pickle for the Pitta dosha should be made with less hing and mustard seeds.
* Green Mango pickle is a common pickle and forms a regular part of the diet.
* Coriander chutney balances tridosha that is suitable for all body constitutions.
* Coconut chutney is good for Pitta prakriti as coconut has cooling properties.
* Mint chutney is a good appetizer and provides roughage and therefore it is good for intestines and people suffering from constipation.
* Tomato chutney is to be consumed within few hours of its cooking.

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