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Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable Soup
Mixed vegetable soup helps in improving digestion and also works as an appetizer.

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Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable SoupAyurvedic mixed vegetable soup is good for the whole body as it is prepared using various vegetables. Each vegetable is equipped with some nutrition and together they provide whole bunch of different nutrients. Vegetables have a calming or stimulating effect on the doshas when eaten separately. Like carrots pacify vata and kapha but may aggravate pitta. Cooking vegetables together and with the other ingredients make a soup that is tridoshic. Ayurvedic mixed vegetable soup is not difficult to make and one can easily prepare it at home.

Ingredients of Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable Soup:

•Eight cups of water
•Four cups of mixed vegetables (green beans, carrots, cabbage etc.)
•Six whole peppercorns
•One teaspoonful of cumin seeds
•One inch piece of cinnamon stick
•Ten cloves
•Two tablespoonful of ghee
•Ten cardamom pods
•Half teaspoonful of salt

Method of Preparing Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable Soup:

•Wash and cut the vegetables into small pieces.
•Put a soup pot on medium flame and then add water and the vegetables and cook them until they are soft. Keep it in a separate bowl.
•Next grind cumin seeds, peppercorns, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods and cloves.
•Heat another soup pot on medium flame and add ghee and add the ground spices.
•Add the vegetables and four cups of broth. Boil for two to three minutes. Put salt and stir.
•Serve hot.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Mixed Vegetable Soup

•As this soup is in liquid form, the body finds it easier to absorb without having extra work in breaking down large chunks. So, this soup can easily be digested.
•Mixed vegetables soup also help in improving digestion and works as an appetizer.
•This soup is low on calorie and helps to reduce weight.
•It boosts energy.
•This soup also enhances memory.

Ayurvedic mixed vegetable soup can be an ideal breakfast item during winter. It is warm thus; it will naturally keep the people warm during the cold season. Also regular consumption of this soup on moderation will help one to maintain a correct nutritional balance.

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