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Arms Massage
Hands and arms massage is very important as they are involved in most of the activities. The massage makes the hands and arms strong and improves blood circulation.

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Arms Massage, AromatherapyArms Massage is very important in Aromatherapy, which ensures immense benefits to the entire body. It rejuvenates the arms and gives a new lease of life to them by giving a natural glow. The massage can be done all alone and also with the help of partner. However, initially, it is ideal to perform the steps under the guidance of a professional massage therapist.

Method of Arms Massage
The procedure of Arms Massage is provided below in details:

The massage of the arms starts from the shoulder blades. Apply oil on the shoulder blades and put the arm in such a manner that the shoulder blade comes up. Then massage alone the bone with the side of the palm and go round the bone with circular movements, going down and upward on the shoulder blade itself.
Then put the oil in the armpit and on the upper arm. Press in the centre of the armpit to feel the pulsation of the carotid artery located in this area. After applying pressure and feeling the pulsation, make circular movement to excite the lymph nodes which are spread around in this area. Then do kneading, pressing and squeezing on the front size of the armpit.
After kneading the upper arm start rubbing and pressing the upper arm following the musculature. Put the thumb on the outer part of the upper arm, and go down making simultaneously inward and downward movements towards the elbow with hands. Alternate the same practice to cover both sides of the upper arm. Provide circular movements on the pressure points of the upper arm.
Then stimulate the lymph nodes situated in the hollow of the elbow. Stimulate it from the other side also by alternating the fingers.
Then massage the lower arm with kneading and rubbing. After massaging the lower arm, massage the whole arm again.
Then the massage should be given on the middle part of the palms.
Then put oil in the nails and massage the fingers. Work at each joint and twist the fingers and finally pull them.
At the end massage the whole arm again by rubbing and squeezing at the same time making a crisscross movement and then press the palm.

Benefits of Arms Massage
Benefits of Arms Massage are given below:

The massage improves blood circulation.
It heals and relieves pain.
Massage also removes any blockages in the flow of energy inside the body.
It soothes the muscles and strengthens them.
It makes the skin glow and look fresh.

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