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Ayurvedic Diet for Early Winter
Ayurvedic diet for early winter should consist of foods that keep the body warm like healthy oils, warm organic milk, and fresh herbs to name a few.

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Ayurvedic Diet for Early WinterAyurveda believes that if the diet is changed according to the season, it helps in maintaining a healthy body. The bodily humour increases or decreases according to the seasons. The frigid temperatures of early winter (November and December) cause tense muscles and runny noses. Vata types might become vulnerable to disease and flu. Kapha types might need to build protective layers of fat, creating ripe conditions for thick mucus. Therefore, a strong diet is required to be followed to maintain a healthy and sound body.

Foods to Include in Diet
During the early winters, the diet should consist of foods that keep the body warm. At this time, oily, sour and salty foods can be of great help. The food has to be freshly cooked. Healthy oils such as ghee, olive oil, walnut oil, sesame or flax seed oil, raw butter, and coconut oil are also good to use in preparation at this time.

Spices like honey, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper and ginger can be used for destroying mucus, sore throat, and runny nose. The spices that can be used to keep the body warm are cinnamon, turmeric, cloves and black pepper.

Various preparations of sugarcane, meat soup, milk products and new crops are also to be consumed. Animal flesh and fish found in wells is also ideal for consumption at this part of the year. Fresh herbs like basil, rosemary or sage ensure medicinal help to the body.

During this part of the year, the digestive capacity of a person is stable and therefore alcohol can be consumed in small quantity. Water should be consumed in and it is better to consume lukewarm water. Before one goes to bed, it`s a nice idea to have a cup of warm organic milk with a bit of ginger or nutmeg and a touch of honey.

Foods to Avoid
There are certain foods, which should not be consumed during the early winters like one should avoid dry, cold, light food in excess. Foodstuffs with pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes should be avoided in excess. One should not eat leftovers, raw foods, processed and canned foods. Daytime sleep is recommended in all season except during the summers especially after meals.

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