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Seven Major Chakras
The seven Major charkas in our body are the centers of energy, each having own vibrational frequency and controls.

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Seven Major Chakras , Kundalini YogaThe Chakras are energy centers of body that are considered flowerlike, which open and close as well as spin like wheels. The Chakras are the receiver of the spiritual universal energy as well as the centers through which the body deciphers energy. The most popular model of the Chakra system describes seven major charkas as well as many minor charkas. The seven major charkas are located along the central line of the body or the spinal cord, the lowest situated at the root of tailbone and the highest situated at the top of head. The Chakras are named as Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Brow Chakra and Crown chakra.

Other Chakra models include several other Chakras with the aura at a foot or two below the feet and several feet high above the head. The Chakras are composed of high frequency energy strands, which are perceived as light to the spiritual eyes. The universal energy enters the body through the Chakras and flow upward from the lower to higher energy centers. The lower Chakras are simple functioning but the degree of sophistication increases in the ascending order. The higher charkas are more spiritual functioning, that is intimately related to the life experience and the unison of an individual with the whole creation. The seven charkas have intrinsic interrelationships between them, which are connected through an energy channel and are of great importance as the energy healer.

The energy that is brought and assimilated by the Chakras is the major source of our physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual existence. The Chakras act as the pathway for the energy to be taken in, metabolized and sent to major nerve center and endocrine gland system, which helps in mental and physical well-being. Each chakra vibrates with different frequencies and each has their specific quality and characteristics.

Seven Major Chakras , Kundalini Yoga The seven major Chakras located from lowest to highest, are-
1.Root Chakra ( Mooladhara Chakra): Located at the base of the spine. It develops group consciousness, physical activity and at a home feeling. Mooladhara Chakra is associated with red color and thought to be like a flower with red color and four petals.

2.Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra): The Sacral Chakra is orange colored and located at the naval region. It is related to creativity, fertility, desire, intimacy, reproductive ability and emotional balance. The flower is orange colored and with six petals.

3.Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra): This is located in between naval and the heart. It is yellow colored and associated with self-esteem, confidence and personality development.

4.Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra): The Chakra is located at the center of the heart and its color is green or pink. It is connected to feelings of love and many related emotions like joy, happiness, respect, compassion, generosity etc.

5Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra): This is located in the throat and is of light blue color. The purpose of Throat Chakra is speech ability and truthfulness.

6.Brow Chakra (Ajna Chakra): Situated at the position of the third eye. It is indigo colored and develops the intuition and sense of vision. The brow Chakra is connected to pituitary gland and is the center of wisdom.

7.Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra): This violet colored thousand-petal lotus is located at the top of head. This is associated with spiritual awakening of an individual as well as sense of union with the universe.

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