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Preeja Sreedharan
Preeja Sreedharan is a long distance runner who has represented India on various occasions.

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Preeja Sreedharan , Indian AthletePreeja Sreedharan was born on 13th February in the year 1982 at Mullakkanam in Kerala and completed her graduation from Alphonsa College, Pala.

Preeja batched the gold medal in the 10000 meter event and silver in the 5000 metres in the Guangzhou Asian Games. Her win in the 10000 metres in 31:50:28 minutes is her personal best record. Currently this stands as the Indian National record. She has also represented India at the 2007 Asian athletics championships held in the Amman where she won silver medal in the 10000 metres where she finished 5th in the 5,000m as well as 10,000m races. In June 2008 she qualified for the Beijing Olympics. Preeja was also selected for the Manorama newspaper in the year 2010.

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