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Meditation and Diseases
Meditation is proved to cure many diseases by its calming and soothing effect on mind and body.

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Meditation and DiseasesMeditation is a practice to increase the concentration power of mind as well as to make a person more self-aware. The person who practices meditation daily becomes more aware about surrounding environment and ultimately the person have more control over self as well as on the surroundings. In this process, meditation is successful in reducing anxiety and stress as it generates a sense of empowerment and one have more control about his/ her physical well-being.

The diseases which are cured by meditation are as follows:

Drug Addiction: The Transcendental meditation technique has proven to be successful in coping strategy to deal with drug addiction. The technique helps to cure the withdrawal effects in a very effective manner.

Prolonging Life Expectancy: Meditation is proved to be useful in lowering the core body temperature. This is the main factor that scientifically helps one to extend life expectancy.

Stress Control: According to some researches, hormones and other biochemical compounds those are responsible for stress tends to decrease in amount during meditation practice. This has a long persisting effect so that the person is actually less stressed biochemically during daily activities. This reduction of stress directly correlates with reduction of anxiety and tension. Thus meditation relieves both mind and body from stress and helps to lead a stress free life.

Pain Management: Meditation may not eradicate pain totally but helps people to cope up with pain. It reduces psychological pain i.e. anxiety as well as helps people to reduce direct physical pain like arthritis, backache, headaches, etc.

Meditation and DiseasesHeart Disease: Transcendental meditation has also been found to reduce the risk of death, heart attack and stroke by 48 percent. Slowing down brain activity through meditation works on the nervous system and creates an anti-stress mechanism within the body.

High Blood Pressure: Meditation reliably reduced the blood pressure people with moderately elevated blood pressure. After several weeks of practice of meditation, the average blood pressure considerably decreased which reduced the risk factors for stroke and heart attack.

Infertility: Several researches have shown that if the infertile couple practice meditation, it helps them in relaxing body and mind, which considerably increases the chance of an infertile mother to get pregnant.

Psoriasis: The disease causes scaly red patches on the skin. According to studies conducted, the skin patches of meditation practitioner disappeared more quickly in comparison to the patients who receive only the regular medicines.

Respiratory Crisis: Asthma, Emphysema and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are the diseases that restrict breathing and raise the fear of suffocation. The studies have revealed that when people practice breath meditation, they have lesser chance of respiratory crisis.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Tension, Headaches: Meditation can also ease physical complaints like Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), tension headaches, vertigo and other common health problems. Meditation acts as a psychological buffer so that one is not knocked out by the hectic pace of life and is beneficial in accrue tremendous spin-off benefits.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcers and Insomnia: 80 percent of the people who suffers from insomnia get beneficial effect by practicing meditation. The other problems like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers are also reported to be improved by meditation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Another meditation technique called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has been reported to have a wonderful curative effect on the arthritis patients.

Thus, meditation is a wonderful practice in curing many diseases because it provides an inner sense of clarity and calmness, which itself ward off certain illness. Meditation has many seen and unseen benefits.

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