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Kundalini Meditation
Kundalini Meditation focuses on the Chakra System of a human body. This meditation helps the energy to flow and to be transformed into bliss and joy.

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Kundalini Meditation, Type of MeditationKundalini Meditation brings about positive energy that sustains efforts of one"s free will. This form of Yoga has earned popularity for holding positive attitudes throughout the process. The procedure of this kind of meditation is simple yet effective.

Kundalini is the unknown source of energy which can be aroused by proper meditation and loving thought. Meditation arouses kundalini, because when one sits still, his automatic bodily functions find a minimal rhythm and his mind is energized more profoundly to hover on loving thoughts, which in turn generate even more energy. An important point to notice in Kundalini meditation is that positive attitudes and their subsequent positive thoughts naturally draw in an increase of kundalini, thus providing joyful energies.

Steps of Kundalini Meditation
One can follow some simple steps in daily life to attain the spirituality through Kundalini meditation. The first step is to sit on floor on a cushion or chair with legs crossed. The spine should be straight, head erect, eyes closed and hands folded in lap. The Yogi should count evenly in and out according to his breathe. For instance, while breathing in, he can count 1, 2 and while breathing out he has to count 3, 4. This process is just to make the mind steady and concentrate on one particular object. It is preferred to start uttering the Mahavakyas once the person has gained the vacuum in mind.

It is told in the scriptures that the Yogi should always think positive while practicing Kundalini meditation, only then he will feel positive. Loving thoughts balance and harmonize body-mind, thus allowing the power of kundalini to flow from the minor chakras to the major ones. If a person can bring all his attention to his breath, the only possible thing that can come in mind is the absolute truth of the Lord.

Kundalini Shakti
Kundalini Shakti is the divine spiritual power within every human being. It is each individual"s own personal spiritual director, who strives to lead one to constant awareness of the Source.

Nadis and Chakras
Chakras are energy generators and Nadis transport prana. The channels emanate from the chakras and gradually become thinner the further they extend outward.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi
Nirvikalpa Samadhi is the culmination of all practices that are Spiritual. It is no ritual but the perfect flowering of a Human Being. After attaining the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, one can disseminate the cosmic wisdom to one and all.

Three Gunas
The three gunas are the most subtle qualities of Nature that underlie matter, life and mind. These three gunas are tamas (darkness), rajas (activity) and sattva (beingness). All three gunas are always present in all beings. They are the energies through which not only the surface minds, but ones deeper consciousness functions.

Benefits of Kundalini Meditation
Kundalini meditation can bring about a power of self-enlightenment and self-realisation. Kundalini meditation develops the capacity to love by giving a person more energy for caring actions. And, it is in the process that one comes in alignment with the absolute and knows God more closely. The experience of life after Kundalini meditation multiplies in joy after attaining the spiritual Siddhi.

Mantras for Kundalini Meditation
Mantras have a powerful effect on the immune system. There are numerous mantras for Kundalini Meditation. The translated Kundalini Prayer is as follows -

•May I harmonize my life with the Kundalini free-flowing energy readily available from our source-resource.
•Initiated and awakened more fully in body-mind stillness of loving meditation.
•Joyful energy multiplied over and over by loving attitudes, thoughts and their offspring of caring actions.

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