Harur has drawn the attention of many people for the rich mineral resources. This panchayat town in Tamil Nadu is located in Dharmpuri District.
Location of Harur
Harur also has been found out. Harur is situated at 12.07 degree North to 78.5 degree East. Also it has an average height of 350 metres or 1148 feet.
Climate of Harur
The climate of Harur is normally `warm`. Hot summer season falls between the months of March to May. In the month of April, the temperature goes up to even 38 degree C. Again in the month of December the temperature goes down and touches almost 17 degree C in the month of January. The district can even witness a regular rainfall of 895.56 mm on yearly basis.
Population of Harur
The total population of Harur has been counted to be 20,346. Out of it, the males comprise of 50 percent , while females constitute of 50 percent . In the Harur town , 12 percent of the total population is below six years of age.
Education of Harur
The literacy rate of Harur too has been found to add on to the knowledge of the common people. From the report, people also can get some idea from the literacy rate of Harur . Harur has an average literacy rate of 75 percent. Thus it is higher than that of the entire nation, which is counted to be 59.5 percent. Male literacy rate constitutes of 82 percent, while that of females is 68 percent.
Economy of Harur
Harur is rich in mineral resources. This town is famous for horticulture. Since the region is prone to drought, many of the people have switched over to farming of those fruit crops that can resist it. Besides, several other varieties of vegetables and fruits are being produced in the whole region. Mango is the chief fruit that has been produced in the district. Near about one third of the district constitutes of mango. Tomatoes, chilis are also cultivated. Fishing is also in vogue in inland parts of the area. Major varieties of fish that are found here include Katla, rohu, mirgal and common carp.
Tourism in Harur
There is no scarcity of places of interests within the district of Dharmapuri. `Theerthamalai` is an important center for pilgrimage that is situated about twenty kilometers from Harur town. Other attraction of the region is `Krishnagiri Dam`, `Chitteri Hills`, `Theerthagiriswarar Temple` and Hogennakkal Falls.
Visiting Information
Harur is well connected with other places of the state, special bus services has started from places like Sittilingi and Salem District.