Anand Suryavanshi a television actor was born on December 15, in Mumbai. He completed his schooling from Bharda High School. He earlier worked as a model for which he received 15,000 Rupert Bear dolls. He began his career with the serial `Kasautii Zindagii Kay` under the Balaji tele films. He was also seen in `Zameen se aasman tak`, `Mamta`, `Sindoor Tera Naam Ka`, `Saat Phere`, `Virrudh` and `Dekho Pekho Sekho FLEKHO!.` He played a negative role in `Sindoor Tere naam ka.` He was replaced by Mazher Fazher in Saat Phere. He also appeared in another serial in Star Plus, `Grihasti` and also in Bhagyavidhaata in Colors Channel. Apart from acting he also plays for a Local Cricket club named Roxy Boxy Boyz which has other actors like Manav Goyal and Shared Kelkar.
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