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Skin Care by Aromatherapy
Skin Care in Aromatherapy is the added benefit of holistic care for diseases.

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Skin Care by AromatherapyAromatherapy Oils are the best effective remedies to serve the purpose of nourishing, cleansing, detoxifying, increasing circulation, toning, calming nerve irritation and supporting all the skin`s function.Only a few essential oils can be used directly on the skin. When you rub one drop of essential oil into the skin you are really rubbing it into the natural oil that is already there, so you are diluting it. Chamomile, lavender, rose, sandalwood and yarrow are all oils that can be used, one drop directly on the skin. People with sensitive skin need to be careful, though People with tougher skin may even use strong oils such as rosemary in very small amounts, without adverse effect. The general rule is that essential oils should always be diluted before applying to the skin.

Aromatherapy Skin care essential oils may be added to your current skin cream or lotion, or you can purchase your skin creams unscented and add specific essential oils for your particular needs. You can choose a vegetable oil that is appropriate for your skin and add specific essential oils to create moisturizing oil that`s just or you. All skin types do very well with jojoba. Any skin product, which you make with jojoba oil, will have a longer shelf life and you will not need to refrigerate it between uses. Vegetable oil mixtures that you will use within a month do not need to be refrigerated, but any product you use infrequently and hope to keep for six months should be refrigerated between uses, just as you refrigerate vegetable oils that you cook with.

It is possible to preserve your oil mixtures by using 3 to 5 drops of benzoin per one-half ounce. You can also squeeze a vitamin E capsule into the solution, add wheat germ oil or vitamin E oil, 3 to 5 drops per ounce. Essential oils have preservative qualities in themselves; the stronger your mixture is the fewer tendencies it will have to go rancid. It is still recommended to refrigerate oils that have been enhanced with these above-mentioned products, just for safety. Aromatherapy essential oils have the marvelous capacity to penetrate through the outer layers of skin to the nerve endings, capillaries, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles, they can beneficially affect all the skin functions. Therefore, Essential oils can regulate oil excretion onto the skin, stimulate the circulatory system to produce more surface warmth, or slow the circulatory system to cool inflammation.

•Essential oils` antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal characteristics help the skin against any external microbe attack.

•Essential oils provide balance to the nervous system where the skin suffers from the lack of stimulation.

•Many essential oils regulate production of estrogen, which help the prevention of cysts and acne.

•As skin is an excretory organ, essential oil baths and skin brushing helps in faster process of waste removal.
Skin Care by Aromatherapy
•Many essential oils stimulate perspiration (diaphoretics), most notable of which are yarrow, ginger, juniper, rosemary, and eucalyptus.

•It takes forty days for new skin cells to be pushed out to the surface of the skin. Only after a time period of forty days will the correct evaluation be done.

Dryness, flaking, cracking, wrinkling, thinness, coldness, roughness can be assisted by essential oils as chamomile, Clary sage, geranium, lavender, jasmine, Jatamansi, rose, rose-wood, sandalwood and Vetiver. Skin irritations, acne and sensitivity can be assisted by such essential oils as blue chamomile, geranium, jasmine, lavender rose, rosewood, sandalwood, peppermint. Oily skin can be assisted by such essential oils as bergamot, camphor, Cedarwood, cypress, geranium, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, rosewood, sandalwood and Vetiver, all of which decrease oil secretion.

Lack of blood flow in a skin can be assisted with birch, Clary sage, cypress, orange, rosemary, eucalyptus and juniper berry. Mature and aging skin can be assisted with the use of blue chamomile, Clary sage, cypress, frankincense, lavender, fennel, Neroli, orange, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, Vetiver. Cellulite is a special problem, which is thought to be a buildup of toxins in the skin that causes a peculiar orange-peel-type puckering. Orange peel essential oil is useful in cellulite as would be birch, cypress, juniper berry, lemon and rosemary.

Cysts are thought to be an increased cell division, creating smaller, more numerous cells. As they are pushed upward to the skin surface, the result is flaking and cracking. This condition can be assisted with bergamot, Clary sage, lavender, frankincense, geranium and especially Neem. For broken capillaries: German chamomile, rose, Neroli, lavender, parsley seed oil and rosewood. In addition to lotions, creams and body oils, beeswax salve, applied to special problem areas, can be especially good for preventing moisture loss.

Essential Oil Salves
A salve is the combining of the healing power of herbs with the preservation and penetration properties of vegetable oil, hardened by the addition of beeswax. The more wax added to a mixture, the firmer it becomes. The more oil, the softer it becomes. The basic Aromatherapy recipe for salve is one part of beeswax to four to six parts of medicated vegetable oil. Medicated vegetable oil is quickly made by the addition of essential oils to it.

Using a small pan or pot of stainless steel or ceramic (No Teflon), slowly melt the beeswax, add the estimated amount of vegetable oil, and stir until well blended. To check the consistency, take a cold spoon out of the freezer and dip into your mixture. The salve will instantly harden on the spoon. At this point, if it is too hard, add more oil. If it is too soft, add more beeswax. Take the pan off the heat as soon as everything is melted, and put it back on the heat only if it begins to harden too much. Once you have the consistency you desire, you can combine various essential oils and add 20 to 40 drops to one ounce of salve. Wheat germ oil and Benzoin can be added as a preservative, or you can squeeze a capsule of vitamin E into the mixture. Stir and pour into a wide-mouth container, baby food jar, recycled cosmetics container, etc.

Burn Salve - 5 drops lavender, 5 drops blue chamomile, 5 drops gold chamomile, 5 drops yarrow.
Antiseptic Salve - 3 drops pine, 5 drops lavender, 7 drops eucalyptus, 7 drops rosemary.
Antifungal Salve - 10 drops thyme, 10 drops yarrow, 10 drops chamomile.
Mental Clarity Salve to be rubbed on the forehead -
10 drops rosemary, 10 drops basil, 5 drops chamomile and 5 drops mint.

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