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Menstrual Disorders
Menstrual Disorders include disorders like Amenorrhoea and Dysmenorrhea, which are a common part of every women`s life.

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Menstrual DisordersMost of the females suffer from menstrual disorders. Several ladies get so much disappointed that they consider this disease as incurable and a part of their life. The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

•Menstrual period not at proper time

•Menstrual period stopped or accompanied with pain

•Increased or decreased quantity of blood

Backache during the days of menstrual period

•Pain and heaviness in head

•Irritative or gloomy nature

•Loss of appetite

Causes of Menstrual Disorders:
A healthy woman must have menstrual period at proper time. With this process, toxic and morbid substances eliminate from the body of woman every month and she is rendered healthy and capable for pregnancy. But its irregularity transforms itself in a dreaded disease and becomes a source of immense trouble for women. Faulty eating habits along with faulty lifestyle and thinking habits of a woman are the main cause of this disease. Due to intake of heavy, oily, spicy and fried food and absence of physical exercise food does not get digested completely and in turn results in the accumulation of morbid matter in uterus and intestines etc. When this toxic substance discharges from a female body irregularly in less or excessive quantity or is sometimes in nil quantity, the problem is called as Menstrual disorder.

Amenorrhoea: Absence of menses in women is termed as Amenorrhoea. The condition may be due to pregnancy or other factors such as anemia, sudden mental shock, exposure to cold or an utterly broken health. Hormonal imbalance is also one of the frequent causes in some women. The main symptoms occurring in most women due to this disorder are giddiness, lassitude and pain in the lower abdomen. It can be cured by:

Cure with Magnetic Therapy:
In case the Amenorrhoea is not due to pregnancy, apply north pole SEM to the lower abdomen about 5 to 7 cm below the navel and the south pole SEM to the opposite side in the back for 15 minutes in the forenoon. Apart from that, apply two North Pole SEMs to soles of feet for 15 minutes in the evening.

Dysmenorrhea:: Dysmenorrhea is a condition of abnormally painful menstruation in certain women. The condition is common in young girls and women suffering from inflammation or obstruction or displacement of the uterus, ovaries or the Fallopian tubes. The main symptoms of this disorder by the women are the pain in the lower abdomen, back and the sacral region. It can be cured by:

Cure with Magnetic Therapy:
At the commencement of the menses, the north pole should be applied just below the navel and the south pole opposite at the back for 15 minutes twice daily till the menses last. During the interval between two menses, the magnets should be applied to the soles of feet for 15 minutes once daily. The south-pole oil should be applied before application of magnets. The healing water should also be taken thrice daily.

Treatment of Menstrual Disorders by Nature Cure:
The women suffering from this disease should pay special attention for the change in their dietary pattern, since the food should be very simple, free from spices and simultaneously easily digestible.

•Green leafy vegetables and fruits should be taken in abundance in the meal.

•Regular enema should be taken for cleansing of bowels.

•Hipbath, Sunbath and Air bath also gives benefit in this disease. Cold and hot fomentation of abdomen also yields benefit.

•Women suffering from this disorder need to necessary do the household works themselves because this physical work gives exercise to the body and helps in the digestion of food.

•Keeping fast on honey water & limejuice or fruit diet once a week also imparts considerable benefit.

Treatment of Menstrual Disorders by Yogic Asanas:
Regular and proper practice of asanas and Pranayama is beneficial to all women especially for those suffering from menstrual disorders. However, it should be noted that, during monthly period (menstruation) yoga practices are not advisable for 3-5 days. Proper rest, best hygiene, medicines, relaxation are also necessary. Yoga helps by correcting and balancing the functioning of the endocrine system, toning up of the nervous system and by relaxing the body and mind and reducing psychological problems. Asanas are helpful to preserve the general health and to reduce the minor complaints regarding menstruation by improving the vigor and strength of the body.

Shudhhikriyas: Regular practice of Kunjala and Jala Neti, Shankha Prakshalana once a month should be done for the treatment.

Asanas: After morning Surya Namaskara, Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Vajrasana, Ushtrasana, Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Siddhasana, Padmasana, Viparitakarani, Halasana, Naukasana, Pawanmuktasana, Setubandhasana, Matsysana, Shalabhasana (both legs), Chakrasana (sideward bending), Parvatasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Garbhasana, Arvangasana and Vrikshasana, Shavasana/Makrasana should be practised.

Pranayama: Anuloma Viloma, Bhastrika, Nadi Shodhana Shitali & Bhramari along with Om recitation & Meditation should be practised. Uddiyana and Mulbandha should be practised.

Treatment of Menstrual Disorders by Acupressure:
Women with menstrual pain might get some relief by applying pressure to an acupuncture point known as spleen 6. The most common gynecological health problem, menstrual pain not related to other pelvic problems affects an estimated 60 to 93% of adolescent girls. Pain in the lower abdomen begins during or just before menses and usually lasts 48 hours or less. Stimulation of sp6 through acupuncture and acupressure has been used to treat pelvic pain in women such as during childbirth and menses.

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