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Intestinal Worms
Intestinal Worms is a disease caused by parasites like roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, hookworms, tapeworms and giardia.

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Intestinal Worms, Stomach AilmentIntestinal Worms are parasites in the gastrointestinal tract, primarily on the intestinal wall, that affect people and other organisms. These worms are common stomach ailments that are widely prevalent during the rainy seasons in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. But apart from the adults, the children are more infested with these intestinal worms. The most common of these parasites are roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, hookworms, tapeworms and giardia.

Types of Intestinal Worms
Parasites are classified into two categories: Helminths and Protozoa. The Helminths are multi cellular parasites. Helminths, once they are adults, cannot multiply inside the human body. Roundworms, tapeworms and pin worms are some examples of helminths parasites. Protozoa are single cell parasites that inhabit human bodies. Protozoa can multiply rapidly causing serious problems.

Causes of Intestinal Worms
The real cause of intestinal worms is wrong feeding. The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water, especially undercooked meat can breed in the intestines only if they find there a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter and systemic refuses due to wrong feeding habits. The causes of the different types of worms are as follows:

Intestinal Worms, Stomach Ailment
•Roundworms may result from dirty fingers and food.
•Hookworms enter the human body through the skin from infected water.
•The tapeworms are transmitted into the body through undercooked flesh foods or foods contaminated by dogs.

Symptoms of Intestinal Worms
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes and constant desire for food restlessness at night with bad dreams, anaemia and headache. However, the symptoms caused by particular intestinal worm group are as follows;

Round Worms: These may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness and irritability.

Pin Worms: These may bring on intense itching in the area around the rectum.

Thread Worms: These may cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea, alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough and fever.

Hook Worms: These may give rise to anaemia and nutritional disorders.

Giardia: The presence of giardia may result in pain in the calves and weakness in the legs.Intestinal Worms, Stomach Ailment

Treatment of Intestinal Worms
The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on an exclusive diet of fresh fruits for a week. Thereafter he may adopt a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk and whole meal bread. The diet should also exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, oil, refined foods and all flesh foods. This diet should be continued till the parasites are completely eliminated.

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Worms
Coconut is the most effective amongst all home remedies found beneficial for the treatment of intestinal worms. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. Hence, a tablespoon of a freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast followed by a dose of Castor oil after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

Even fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its medication was to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walks, the garlic is then crushed under his foot and the worm-killing garlic oil is absorbed by the skin and carried by blood into the intestines, as it possesses a powerful penetrative force.

The carrot is valuable in the elimination of threadworms in children as it is most offensive of all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.

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