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Indigestion or Dyspepsia Disorder
Indigestion or dyspepsia refers to stomach disorder that occurs mainly due to diet errors.

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Indigestion, Stomach AilmentIndigestion, also known as Dyspepsia is a stomach disorder and one of the most common ailments that affects most people at some point. It is caused mainly due to diet errors and in this case, the digestive juices are secreted incorrectly causing acute discomfort. In most cases it"s mild and only occurs occasionally. Indigestion is often a sign of an underlying problem, such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), ulcers or gallbladder disease.

Causes of Indigestion
The intake of heavy and oily meal in much quantity, consumption of stale, rotten and contaminated food substances, and eating in hurry without proper chewing of the food are the main causes of Indigestion. Other than this, excessive mental stress, frequent eating, eating without hunger, eating in agitated or tense state of mind and labour shirking habit also adds to indigestion. In the state of panic and fear also food does not digest properly. Therefore, it should be avoided. Sometimes uncooked and raw food also becomes the cause of Indigestion. Worms, teething, old age, constipation, hilly journey, mental stress, physical work and sexual intercourse just after meal also lead to Indigestion.Indigestion, Stomach Ailment

Symptoms of Indigestion
Indigestion upsets the digestive system of the body and its symptoms are loss of appetite, distaste in meals, gas formation, bubbling sound in stomach, heaviness and pain in abdomen and sour belching. The feeling of nausea and irritation, feeling of dizziness and tiredness, burning throat and oesophagus, distension of stomach, water in the mouth, foul breath, sleeplessness and anaemia also appear in the body as common results of Indigestion.

Treatment of Indigestion
According to Ayurveda, the medication is done to bring back the normalcy of the functioning of the systems by various methods. The Ayurvedic treatments, if practised regularly, prove very effective in treating the illnesses.

Treatment of Indigestion by Aromatherapy and Magnetic Therapy has a long tradition that still holds value. Magnetised water work directly on the digestive and urinary systems as it promptly puts an end to their mal-functioning. Acupressure Therapy also treats indigestion. Indigestion, stomach pain or left-side upper abdominal pain, gastritis, ulcers might be alleviated by the use of acupressure.

Yoga for Indigestion
Yoga is an effective method in the treatment of Indigestion. Practicing of Yoga Asanas regularly help in reducing the problem of indigestion to a large extent. Indigestion, Stomach AilmentSurya Namaskar, Uttanapadasana, Vakrasana, Sirsasana, Padmasana, Tolangulasana, Salabhasana, Uddiyana Bandha, Chakrasana, Nauli, Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pada Hastasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Vajrasana, Mandukasana, Mayurasana, Suryabhedana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Bhadrasana are the best asanas to be practised to treat indigestion. Even Pranayama are especially beneficial in this disease. The practice of Agnisara acts as universal remedy for the patients of indigestion. Mushti Mudra and Suchi Mudra can also be practiced as it also promotes digestion and helps to cure constipation.

Prevention from Indigestion
First of all, the conditions leading to indigestion should be best avoided by the people. The strict observance of some rules is necessary for getting rid of this disorder. Thorough chewing of food, cautious avoidance of over eating should be practised. Lemon water enema is also helpful and if necessary, it should be taken daily for first few days.

Indigestion can lead to serious problems, if left untreated. Proper diagnosis and treatment can cure indigestion within few days.

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