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Indian Naturopathy
Indian Naturopathy treatments are gaining popularity around the world for its safe and effective healing.

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Indian NaturopathyNaturopathy, as an age old healing method, was very much in practice in India when drugs and technology were not much in vogue. Nature provided all the elements, within the range of the natural foods, which man needed in the way of nutrient and medicine. Thus, the healing power by naturopathy was nothing new to the Indian tradition. In Indian homes, home remedies have always come before the even doctor"s medicines. This clearly portrays the sheer importance of naturopathy as a trustworthy alternative treatment procedure in ancient India. With passing time, Indian naturopathy gained contour as one of the important health care systems in India, famed for its side-effect less treatment.

Origin of Indian Naturopathy
The root of naturopathy as a treatment process is steeped in the antiquities. The origin of Naturopathy could be traced right to Vedic period wherein "Dietary Discipline" (Pathya and Ahara) and the "Principles of Health" (Swastha Vurtha) described in Ayurveda have branched out and developed in the form of today"s Naturopathy. Vedic tradition believed that it is nature, which cures, not the physician and the Vedic culture of ancient India highlighted the use of natures foremost healing agents, water, air, earth and sun which indeed forms the basic crux of naturopathy.

Principles of Indian Naturopathy
The entire philosophy of naturopathy is thus based upon 3 basic principles. The first principle of naturopathy believes that all diseases are due to the accumulation of toxins and waste materials in the human body. Thus the therapeutic principle of naturopathy in this case refers to the application of various methods to clear the human system from these toxins and accumulated wastes. Indian Naturopathy

The second principle of naturopathy is again further elaboration of the first principle. According to the second principle when toxins accumulate in the body, the various organs of the body gets over exercised while clearing the toxin off the body. It is when this harmony of internal body organ is disturbed then germs multiply and cause disease. Application of medicine, high dose drugs and vaccines to suppress the symptom of the diseases further aggravates the disease while subduing the symptoms.

The third principle of naturopathy is somewhat a solution of the problems that the first and second principle states. According to the third principle of naturopathy, the human body is equipped with a unique self-healing mechanism, which brings back the body to normal conditions of health, if proper natural methods are used to assist the system to function properly.

Treatments with Indian Naturopathy
The therapeutic practice of naturopathy is based on the principle of naturopathy. Naturopathy believes that the body possesses an inherent ability to “heal thyself”; all the healing powers are within one"s body, hence people actually fall ill only when they go against nature. The therapeutic use of naturopathy or the healing power of nature therefore corroborates nearly all the healing techniques in alternative medicine. The basic healing theory of naturopathy is based upon the fact that human being is born healthy and can stay healthy by living in accordance with the laws of nature. To support healthy living, Indian naturopathy has described certain nature"s way; thus, thorough rest, fasting, water therapy, mud therapy, aromatherapy, massage therapy, sleep therapy, acupressure, etc. an ailing body can purify and recoup itself

Trusted for its side-effect less treatment, naturopathy as a health care system has gained importance.

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