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High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure is a serious condition that often results in coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and many more.

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High Blood Pressure, Heart AilmentHigh Blood Pressure is defined as high pressure or tension in the arteries, which are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It is not a disease of separate identity but usually appears as a symptom of other disease. It is also known as `Hypertension` and is believed as a disease of modern life style.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure usually has no signs or symptoms, but it can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure. However, some of the symptoms of High Blood Pressure are obesity, heaviness in head and feeling of uneasiness, breathlessness, feeling of much tiredness, sleeplessness, increased palpitation, feeling of tightness in chest and redness of face or ears.

Causes of High Blood Pressure
Generally, the basic cause of High Blood Pressure and several other diseases is excessive mental work and tense daily routine, wrong eating and living habits and competitive life style. Even factors such as family medical history, menopause, diabetes mellitus and age (for those over 65 yrs of age) are among the risks that are beyond the control of those who may suffer from heart related ailments.

Types of High Blood Pressure
There are two main types of high blood pressure, namely essential Primary hypertension and Secondary hypertension.

High Blood Pressure, Heart Ailment Primary High Blood Pressure: The cause is not known. This is the most common type of high blood pressure.
Secondary High Blood Pressure: It has a known medical cause.

Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Treatment for High Blood Pressure comes in many forms, from lifestyle changes to medication. Home remedies can also do treatment of High Blood Pressure. Cold Spinal bath is used especially for reducing the High blood pressure. Magnetic Therapy is another method of treatment. One should avoid fast foods, spicy and excessively oily foods. Whole grain food should be preferred. The use of table salt should be minimised in High blood pressure.

Yoga Asanas for High Blood Pressure
Yoga, by its holistic approach produces sustained fall in blood pressure without any side effects and it is instrumental in bringing about changes in an individual at physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual levels. Asanas like Vajrasana, Gomukhasana, Padmasana, Ardha-Vakrasana, Ardha-Shalabhasana, Makarasana, Pawanmuktasana, Matsyendrasana, Vrikshasana and Tadasana. Yogic breathing techniques like Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Shitali and Bhramari should also be practised.

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