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In Eczema clusters of tiny elevated lesions are found on the skin that later spread into bigger patches.

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EczemaEczema is a skin condition in which clusters of tiny elevated lesions are found that subsequently spread and coalesce into bigger patches. The disease affects persons of both sexes and at all stages of life. It is found to be hereditary in nature and has a preference for light-complexioned individuals and those belonging to the economically backward class with poor nourishment. Proper hygiene, avoidance of allergens and exposure to the hot sun, intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are necessary to prevent occurrence of the disease.

Symptoms of Eczema:
Initially, eczema starts as localized reddening which later becomes edematous and scaly and subsequently oozes out serum. Thus, its symptoms can be listed down as follows:

•Eruptions on skin

•Itching on the effected region

•Secretion of water or pus from the effected spot

•Red, rounded spots over skin

•Rough and thick skin surface

Causes of Eczema:
The presence of any skin disease is like a warning to eliminate the morbid matter accumulated in the body by means of the skin. Usually such persons suffer from constipation and digestive disorders too. It is believed that eating abnormalities especially more consumption of sour, spicy, sweeter food items pollutes the blood by way of the Rasa produced from that food. This causes defilement of the entire blood stream. Prolonged constipation is also one of the main causes of blood disorder. This contaminated and acidic state of blood is the cause of different types of skin disorders.

Treatment of Eczema by Nature Cure:
Skin diseases indicate that the internal system of the body is badly loaded with toxic substances and the body is being forced for eliminating the morbid matter through skin. Therefore, in its treatment, the internal cleansing method like fasting is an effective treatment. Short and long fasts are recommended according to the condition of disease and patient. Liquid diet for few days on juices rich in Vitamin C is also highly beneficial. Fruit and liquid diet may be taken instead of cereals while starting the treatment. During fast enema as well as bathing with Neem water (prepared after boiling Neem leaves) is highly beneficial.
Fruit and liquid diets gradually reduce the acidity, remedy the perverted stage of blood and help in restoring the normal healthy condition. In chronic skin diseases, fast should be done on water and after purification of body normal diet should be started, which includes whole wheat bread and green vegetables in sufficient quantity. Wheat Dalia and vegetables may also be taken. For getting rid of skin disorders however, sour, pungent, spicy and fried food substances should immediately be stopped.

Water Treatments:
Mudpack over abdomen and at the effected spot of the body must be taken daily. Mud shows good result in removing skin disorders. Mud bath may also be taken on alternate days. For mud bath it is necessary that mud should be completely neat, clean and adulteration free. For the persons suffering from skin disease it is essential to minimize the use of table salt. If it could be stopped altogether for the entire course of treatment it is much more beneficial.

Even a green bottle water charged in sunshine may be taken daily morning and evening and blue bottle oil duly charged with sunrays atleast upto 45 days may be applied on the effected part. Coconut oil is the best for this purpose. This is very simple and effective treatment of skin diseases.

Treatment of Eczema by Aromatherapy:
Essential oils are excellent skin-soothers and healers and can help calm many of the symptoms, particularly inflammation, itchiness and infection.

Soothing and anti inflammatory Oils: Birch, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cypress & Violet.

Oils with healing effects: Lavender, Geranium & Myrrh.

When children suffer from Dry Eczema the treatment is as follows:
Add six drops of geranium oil to 4 fl oz (100 ml) of avocado oil and apply to the effective areas several times daily. You can also add six drops of geranium oil to your child`s bath daily.

When children suffer from Weeping Eczema the treatment is as follows:
Add six drops of bergamot oil to 4 fl oz (100 ml) of avocado oil and apply to the effective area several times daily. You can also add six drops of bergamot oil to your child`s bath daily.

Treatment of Eczema by Yogic Asanas:
Yogic purificatory procedures like Kunjala, Jala Neti and Vastra Dhauti should be practised daily. Shankha Prakshalana and Baghi may be practised once a month. Tadasana, Katichakrasana Uttanpadasana, Supta Pavanarnuktasana, Sarvangasana, Chakrasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Pashchimottanasana, Gomukhasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana may be practiced alongwith the Surya Namaskara daily morning. The practise of Nadishodhana, Shitali and Sitkari Pranayamas is also highly effective. First five kriyas and Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises of Sukshma Vyayama should be practiced.
Treatment of Eczema by Magnetic Therapy:
If the eczematous patches affect the upper portion of the body, the magnets should be applied to the palms of hands and if in the lower portion of the body, then the magnets should be applied to the soles of feet for 20 minutes twice daily. Before the application of magnets, north-pole oil should be applied to the eruptions.

In case of intense itching and burning, the North Pole should be held close to the eruptions-which in most cases gives immediate relief in symptoms. It is a necessary recommendation to take mixed magnetized water four times, daily to rid the organism of pus and exudation.

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