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Constipation as a disorder disallows proper evacuation of faecal matter, in turn arising many stomach disorders.

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ConstipationConstipation is supposed to be a widely known disease of modern life style. It is regarded as a symptom in certain other disease conditions. Its main symptoms are following:

•Improper evacuation of faecal matter

•Dizziness and heaviness in head

•Fowl smell from mouth

•Passing of Dry and hard stool

•Distaste from meal

•Coated tongue

•Urge of evacuation even after defecation

•Consumption of more time in evacuation

Causes of Constipation:
Constipation occurs due to lack of physical work, increased mental stress, faulty lifestyle coupled with faulty eating habits like a lot of intake of the oily and spicy heavy food, intake of Tea, Coffee, tobacco, Alcohol and other intoxicants. Use of inadequate green vegetables and seasonal fruits, drinking of less water, Eating without adequate appetite, repeated and hurried eating without proper mastication and suppression of urge of evacuation are also the principal causes of constipation. The displacement of naval towards the upper side causes the condition of constipation and the gas to develop.

Treatment of Constipation by Nature Cure:
Constipation is supposed to be the main cause of all diseases. Therefore it should be treated thoroughly. Several other disorders also crop up if the bowel is constipated like food digestion is delayed due to constipation. Food putrefies in intestine and results in Indigestion, Gas, Colitis, Pain in Abdomen, Backache,

, Appendicitis, Piles and Loss of appetite etc.

•The first step in the treatment of constipation is to keep on fast for two to three days. During fasting lemon juice mixed with, honey in a glass of lukewarm water and lemon water enema should be taken daily morning.

•If worms are present in the intestine then Neem water enema should be taken.

•The use of Castor oil is also advisable in the cases of chonic constipation.

•After completing the fast, fresh juice of juicy fruits should be taken and then shifted to fruit diet. Papaya, Pear, Guava and Figs are excessively helpful in removing constipation.

•After fruit diet Dalia and boiled vegetables and then gradually whole wheat bread and leafy vegetables should be started. Food substances having more vitamin B are specially useful in removing Constipation.

•The patient must follow enema once or twice in a week according to the need even after the fast too.
•Light Sattvic Aahar should be taken after giving up the fried and heavy food substances.

•Before having a meal sufficient quantity of salad must be taken.

•Mudpack over abdomen and Hipbath of cold water is the excellent treatment of constipation.

•In the morning before going to the toilet a glass of cold water in summer and a glass of fresh water in winter may be taken. One should avoid purgatives because they are habit forming and the Natural mechanism of intestines become adversely affected due to it causing the chances of diseases like Piles, Prameha and Premature ejaculation.

•Morning walk is considered as a panacea for the patients of constipation if they improve their diet as prescribed above along with the walk.

Treatment of Constipation by Yogic Asanas:

•After the examination of naval by a Yoga specialist if it is found displaced, then the patient of constipation should learn & regularly practice Uttanpadasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Matasyasana preferably in expert supervision, since this practice is helpful in keeping the naval at the right place.

•After performing kunjala empty stomach and four naval correcting postures, the practice of Udara shakti vikasaka exercises of Sukshma Vyayama alongwith the practice of Tadasana, Urdhva-Hastottanasana, Katichakrasana, Bhujangasana. tapavanmuktasana. Vajrasana, Mandukasana. Utkatasana, Mayurasana and Ardha-Matsyendrasana are considered advantageous for constipation.

•Surya Namaskara is found more useful for constipation.

•After practising asanas, Bhastrika and Suryabhedan Pranayamas should be practised for 5 to 10 minutes. But in the beginning, Pranayama may be practised for one to two minutes only.

•Practice of Laghu Shankhaprakshalana once a week is also beneficial and therefore advisable, only till the ailment continues. However, after the ailment is cured it may be performed only once a month.

•Practice of Agnisara Kriya and breathing through right swara is found specially beneficial in this disease.

•The patient of constipation should ardently observe Yama - Niyamas.

Treatment of Constipation by Ayurveda:
For acute type the best treatment is oil enema followed by decoction enema or introduction of glycerin suppository in the rectum. For the chronic type a whole body oil massage is prescribed. Basti (medicated enema) is very effective in most types of constipation.

For Children:

•the paste of Chebulic myrobalan (Harad) with black salt, should be taken thrice daily. or

•Isabgol husk 5 gm., to be taken with milk at bed time or

•Raisin (Munakka) and Chebulic myrobalan(Harad), 5 gm. To be taken each with milk at bed time.

For Adults:

•5 gm. of fruit rind of Chebulic myrobalan (Harad) with salt, to be taken once daily at bed time or

•2-6 gm. of Triphala powder with 50 ml., and warm water, twice a day or 5 -10 gm. of Isabgol husk with one cup of milk should be taken at bedtime.

Treatment of Constipation by Aromatherapy:

•The oils helpful for the cure of constipation are Rosemary, Black pepper, Juniper and Fennel.

•You can add twelve drops of oil to 4 fl oz (100 ml) of a carrier oil and massage it into your abdomen, or

•Add twenty drops to your bath and soak in it for fifteen minutes.

Constipation Treatment of Constipation by Magnetic Therapy:
The magnets should be applied to the soles of feet for 20 minutes once in the evening daily. Mixed magnetized water should also be taken thrice daily.

Treatment of Constipation by Acupressure Therapy:
Acupressure helps to relax the abdomen, ease discomfort, and stimulate regular bowel movements. For two minutes, one should apply gentle fingertip pressure to a point about two and one-half inches below the navel. Acupressure can also be applied to the outer edges of one elbow crease and maintained for 30 seconds before pressing the crease of the other elbow. This should be done three times a day to relieve constipation.

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