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Common Cold
Common Cold is an acute disease that indicates the accumulation of the morbid matter in excess quantity in the body.

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Common ColdAccording Naturopathy principles Common Cold is an acute disease. Actually it is not a disease but an indicator of accumulation of morbid matter in excess quantity in the body. Common Cold, however, if not treated properly, may be a cause of Chronic cold, Cough, Constant Headache, Weak eyes and Sinusitis etc.

Symptoms of Common Cold:

•Constant watery discharge from nose

•Uneasiness, pain and heaviness in body

•Slight fever and bodyache

•Pain and heaviness in head

•Loss of appetite

•Distaste in meals

Causes of Common Cold:
Numerous toxic and morbid matters are produced in the body due to day-to-day irregular eating and its improper digestion. Nature tries to eliminate them when the body seems to be fully packed with morbid matter. There are four channels in our body for elimination of the morbid matter. These are-Skin, Lungs, Kidney and Intestine. When the morbid matter accumulates in such a quantity that the job of its elimination goes beyond the capacity of normal channels then the body performs this job with the help of other abnormal channels. Therefore Common Cold is a process of elimination of morbid matter from the body and is an indication that our eliminative organs need our support for better performance. Morbid matters accumulate in the body due to improper blood circulation caused by the absence of exercise, which is virtually the basic cause of Common Cold.

However, sometimes common cold is produced by apparently walking in scorching sun shine, drenching in rains, waking up till late hours in night or walking in cold.

Treatment of Common Cold By Nature Cure:
Usually it is observed that most of the patients of Common Cold suffer from Constipation or digestive disorders hence, the removal of constipation should be the main aim of treatment. To get a relief in about 48 hours of the beginning of the cold, an individual hence can attempt the cleansing process naturally by performing Enema, Kunjala and Jala Neti & Kapalbhati and by observing fast. Even hot footbath and steam inhalation are the specific treatments of Common Cold and may be taken on alternate days in a week.


•During fast half lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water may be taken several times a day adding about 1-2 spoons of honey if desired.

•One can also revert to normal daily meals after taking only fruits or Dalia and green vegetable for one day after fast.

•The Chronic patients of Common Cold or the patients with recurrent cold should cleanse their bowels by taking lemon water enema daily morning.
Common Cold
Treatment of Common Cold by Yogic Asanas:

•After doing Kunjala, Jala Neti and Sutra Neti empty stomach, first to fifth Kriyas of Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises described in SukshmaVyayama should be practised.

Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Dhanurasana, Vajrasana, Mandukasana, Gornukhasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana and Matsyasana etc. are beneficial for this disease.

•Laghu Shankhaprakshalana may be performed once a week.

•Ghrit neti may be practised with cow`s ghee in the evening.

•Surya Namaskar may be practised daily in the morning.

•The practice of Suryabhedana and Bhastrika Pranayama alongwith Agnisara is also very effective. One should avoid excess physical work in the condition of Common Cold and try to maximally breath through Right Swara (Surya Nadi) till the disease is fully cured.

Treatment of Common Cold by Acupressure:
Although acupressure cannot cure a cold, working on certain points can help you get better quicker and increase your resistance to future colds. Potent point b 36, called bearing support, is especially good for stimulating the body`s natural resistance to colds and flus. It`s located near the spine, off the tips of the shoulder blades. According to traditional Chinese medicine, wind and cold enter the pores of the skin at this point.1 the muscles in this upper back area tend to get tense just before a cold or flu takes hold.2.

Treatment of Common Cold by Aromatherapy:
Essential oils can help soothe some of the symptoms of common cold, if not relieving them completely. These are Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lime, Pine and Tea-tree oil. Apart from these oils, the other oils known to relieve Sinus congestion are Angelica, Thyme, Camphor, Bay, Myrrh and Spruce laurel (since it strengthens resistance).

Treatment of Common Cold by Ayurveda:
The following treatment by Ayurveda is recommended, especially for children.

•Take 1-2 gm. powder of equal parts of Black Pepper (Kali Mirch); Long Pepper (Pippali) and dry ginger (Sonth) with honey, 2-3 times a day or

•Paste of one segment of bulb of Garlic, boiled in water with 5-10 gm. of sugar, should be taken twice a day or

•Take 1-2 gm. Powder of fried Turmeric (Haldi), with Honey, thrice a day.

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