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Coconut Crafts
Coconut Crafts in India include an array of products that are carved out of coconut, a popular fruit in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

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Coconut Craft in IndiaCoconut Crafts in India have gained immense popularity and have become rather fashionable throughout the globe for their novelty and uniqueness. This craft work involves tremendous creativity that has evolved and developed over the last few decades. Coconut Palm Tree produces one of the diversified fruits where every bit is utilised in a variety of ways. However, the shell and inner core of the coconut in most cases is thrown away or used as firewood for cooking. Coconut Crafts in India refers to the creation of utility and decorative items with coconut shells, which is practiced in various parts of the country. Coconut crafts in India are mostly manufactured in South Indian states which feature the majority of coconut plants. Indian states like Kerela, Tamil Nadu and other coastal states have abundance of skilled artisans for making coconut crafts. The Vishwakarma caste in Kerala is most renowned for their skill in Coconut Crafts.

Process Of Making Coconut Crafts
The coconut shell, which encloses the renal is a hardy object used for making crafts. The process of coconut crafts involves sketching, cutting, sanding, and buffing to create the finished product.

The shell of the coconut of the required size is selected. Its outer surface rubbed by a steel tool while the inner part is smoothened with a chisel. A circular base and a handle separately made with shell are attached to the cup by fixing screws. First boot polish is applied and then a final coating of French polish is given for high class finishing. It also involves the casting of whole bell-metal piece. Bees wax and charcoal are mixed and melted, filtered through a coconut shell craft piece of cloth and deposited in cold water, heated again and pressed on a small square piece of lead with a variety of designs. This is then pressed against wooden model of article under preparation. When this model has been completely covered by wax, it is removed and the wax mould is given three coatings of a mixture of clay and chalk powder. Some times paddy tusk is also added and it is then dried in the sun. After it gets heated the wax comes out through the opening provided for the purpose. The mould is then placed over a crucible in which copper and zinc are melted and the positions of the two are interchanged so that the liquid fills the cavity left by the melting of the wax. When the metal cools, the mould is removed and the surface smoothened. Then the coconut shell is fixed inside the frame with gum and a paste prepared by boiling sealing wax in water.

Coconut Lamp Shed Coconut Craft Product
There are variety of coconut crafts like bowls, vases, roses, rose-water sprinklers, teapots and others are made from coconuts. Nowadays, coconut shells are carved into useful and decorative articles such as fruit-dishes, wine cups, finger bowls, ice-cream cusps, lamp stands, vases pen and pencil stands, cups and saucers. Items like hukkas, large vases and lampshades are also made of coconut shells with brass bindings. The coconut crafts like table lamps, jewellery, finger bowls and other objects have become quite popular.

Lamp stands encased in brass and smaller coconut shell articles are made in Thiruvananthapuram, Attingal and Neyyatinkara, while larger items are made in Quilandy in Kozhikode district in north Kerala. Combining coconut shells with brass bindings also makes often hookas and large vases. Coconut fibre is cleaned, smoothened and made into various dolls and toys with beads and coloured threads to it go give it a decorative appearance.

The most popular coconut crafts in India include bowls, vases, roses, teapots, wine cups, finger bowls, ice-cream cups, saucers, pen and pencil stands, hookkas, lampshades, fruit dishes, table lamps, finger bowls, roses, jewellery, vases and teapots. Several types of coconut crafts are also utilised as wedding decorations and gift items in occasions. Apart from the coconut shell, the fruit is also utilised to create products made of coir which are regarded as collectors` items.

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