Akangsha Rawat made her debut in the Indian television industry with her role as Meera in the hit Hindi series called Solah Singaar. The show premiered on 30th October, 2006 on the Hindi entertainment channel called Sahara One and ran for a total of 442 episodes. Ankangsha Rawat was highly praised for her role in this series and on May, 2009, she was cast in another major series called the Palampur Express as the female lead.
The story revolved around on the life of a young woman named Paavni, who dreamt of becoming an Olympic runner. This television series was in Hindi language and ran for like 82 episodes. It aired on Sony TV until 28th October, 2009. Recently, in the year 2018, Akangsha Rawat made her comeback in the television industry in the Star Bharat mythological series called Radha Krishn, where she plays the role of Kirtida.
Personal Life of Akangsha Rawat
Akangsha Rawat was married to Indian television actor Piyush Sahdev in the year 2012, whom she met on a set of a television show. The couple got divorced in the year 2017.
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