Shweta Keshwani is well recognized for her vamp roles in Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii and Desh Main Nikla Hoga Chand. She had also acted in Ye Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan and Ristey. When Sweta was in college she got offers for modelling. She heard director Raman Kumar is casting characters for a serial in Home TV. She also had given her audition and was selected. She didn`t take any training in acting but after seven years of acting, she had proved her capacity of doing versatile roles. She has mainly done vamp roles in various soaps. Shweta has also acted in movies. Her earlier films were `Love In Nepal`, `Chor Mandali`, `Tauba Tauba`, ` X-Press way` and `The Memsaab`. She also appeared in the reality show Nach Baliye 3.
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