Swami Jitatmananda Maharaj was born on 11th May 1941 in the then Bengal. He received his degree in Science from the Presidency College, Kolkata. After that he got admitted into the Jadavpur University and completed his post-graduation degree in English from the university.
He is an educationist; writer, management expert and an active social worker. He has already represented India in a number of international scholarly seminars. He has been the Chairman in the International Conference on Zero, held at the National Academy of Science in February 1997. Swami Jitatmananda also acted as the Chairman of the National Science Summit, held at Bangalore and he is the Head of the Rajkot Centre of the Ramakrishna Mission, at the moment. He is also the director of Ramakrishna Mission, Rajkot. Swami Jitatmananda has already written a number of books that include "Modern Physics", "Vedanta" and the "Holistic Science".
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