Suchita Trivedi is an Indian Television actress who essayed the role of Meenaxi in the hilarious show `Baa Bahu Aur Baby` by Hats off Productions. Suchita Trivedi was born on 20th September. She has been the winner of the `Best Actor In a Comic Role` in the prestigious Indian Television Awards Ceremony. Earlier she had already proved her mettle in acting with the character portrayal of Shilpa Agarwal in the very popular show `Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii` under the Balaji Banner.
Suchita Trivedi also gained immense popularity with her roles in other hit shows like `Campus` and `Ek Mahal Ho Sapno Ka`. She has started her acting career in the tender age of 6. At that time she performed in shows like `Woh Saat Din` and `Bahu Ke Awaaz`.
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