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Seven Hearts
The seven hearts comprise unlike energies with varied feelings for smooth Kundalini flow, depending on a person`s height

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Seven Hearts , Chakra SystemThe seven heart chakra are all powered by the heart centre. Each has a dissimilar kind of loving energy. They line up one on ton of the other, beginning at the xiphoid process and for standard sized people, are silver dollar size (if one is very small, the spacing will be closer, if one is very large, further apart).

Heart Chakra #1
Location- On the xiphoid process, the bony appendage at the end of the breastbone.
Function- Conscience energy; determining right and wrong.
Too open- guilt-ridden, defensive, rationalising.
Blocked- not aware of guilty feelings; impressionable.

The very bottom heart chakra functions as the conscience, the little gyroscope of memory from all the early or sometimes late teachings which built up the oughts, shoulds and musts. One`s parents were the very first contributors to this depot of thoughts, but many other people, including the child, have added to it- teachers, friends, spouses, other relatives, even culture itself, have persisted upon one`s heart with these strictures.

Heart Chakra #2
Location- just above the xiphoid process.
Function- maintaining a balance of released energy in terms of connectedness with others.
Too open- over-attachment to a person or ideal, leaving little understanding or energy to balance the heart forces.
Blocked- rejects attachment; closed heart.

The second heart associates with adherence- to people, things and ideas. These are often syrupy, severe and heavy energy here, principally in a relationship. It must be recalled that one can never adoringly own, possess, manoeuvre or dominate another human being. The positive side to adherence is a deep caring, an approval of responsibility, a disposition to put oneself out for someone.

Heart Chakra #3
Location- on the breastbone between the breasts.
Function- will to live well. To open: impulsive, heedless.
Blocked- fear of life; weak will.

The third chakra is the primary one a person works within the basic Kundalini- the chakra of love and the will to live. One`s heart here is one`s life, the driving force to comprehend one`s life, to enjoy it, to learn from it, to use it to grow individually, to discover one`s heavenly origins and return into that ocean of love that is the energy of God.

Seven Hearts , Chakra System Heart Chakra #4
Location- above heart chakra.
Function- forgiveness, letting light shine.
Too open- overly forgiving; accepting even when it means injury or damage.
Blocked- seeks vengeance; forces greatness or accomplishment on others.

The fourth heart chakra associates retribution and forgiveness. Forgiveness is an inconceivable blessing, both for the one who gives and the one who receives. Retribution is the flip side; tautness and an incapability to flow or let go result in brutal and powerful yearning to get even, to hold back, to block the true feeling of love.

Heart Chakra #5
Location- midpoint between the horseshoe in the neck and heart chakra.
Function- will to live; equilibrium, compassion.
Too Open- people pleasing. Blocked: hard-hearted.

The fifth heart chakra is one`s compassionate heart. By flowing, it will cause people to open to one like flowers; they may even start telling one all their troubles, attaching themselves to one, like emotional vacuum cleaners. It can suck one dry. If one ever finds oneself in this situation, one can envision unplugging that energy from the heart and replugging it back into their own navel or a heart chakra.

Heart Chakra #6
Location- just below the horseshoe shaped bone in the front of the neck.
Function- to open to higher spiritual levels; to put heart energy into spiritual growth.
Too open- an inclination to see things only in higher levels or spiritual ways and ignore the more human lot in life.
Blocked- fearful; rejects higher spiritual levels.

The sixth heart chakra opens one to elevated spiritual growth, spiritual melting, the outpouring of spiritual love one feels for one`s own God. True love that one feels for others is quite alike this feeling. A person whose flow is too open, however, can be in anguish, indulging in spiritual banalities and distracted towards others` reality. Someone whose flow is blocked obstinately, experiences only the human side of life.
Seven Hearts , Chakra System
Heart Chakra #7
Location- where the bones in the bottom of the neck form a horseshoe shape.
Function- service in the world.
Too open- a person pushes to serve even when it`s neither needed nor welcomed.
Blocked- self serving.

The seventh heart is the service chakra. To lend service is a lofty goal. When the energy of the seventh heart is halted or twisted, it becomes a martyr`s, an envying, mean-spirited unacceptable giving, which does scathe to all concerned, much like a person "helping" an old woman across the street. Twisted energy can produce a martyr, someone may be oblivious to opportunities to help others. But when flowing suitably, this service chakra becomes an ultimate intention of this lifetime.

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