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Rite of Abhiseka
The Rite of Abhiseka is performed by a preceptor on a disciple. The rite of Abhiseka brings about prosperity and happiness.

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Rite of Abhiseka, Agni PuranaFire God in the Agni Purana has mentioned that the preceptor should perform unto the disciple the rite of Abhiseka for the purpose of conferring prosperity unto him. In the rite of Abhiseka the disciple should be worshipped at the outset and the eight pitchers should be duly stowed on the eight angular points of the sacrificial shed starting with the south-east, one being placed in the middle.

It has been narrated by Lord Agni that in the eight pitchers the preceptor should invoke the eight oceans respectively known as the oceans of akali, curd, wine etc and locate therein the eight Rudras respectively namely the Sikhandi, Srikantha, Trimurta, Ekarudraksa, Ekantara, Sukshma and the Ananta Rudra. In the pitcher at the middle of the sacrificial shed, the preceptor should locate Lord Shiva together with the Mantra held sacred to him.

As the rite of Abhiseka proceeds the Agni Purana says that the preceptor should make the disciple perform the rite of Sakalikaran which is the act of assigning the different parts of the body to the different deities with the help of the different Mantras. Then the body of the disciple should be rubbed over with Kanjika, ashes of burnt clay, grass, cow dung, Golaka, white mustard and washings of curd. Then waters of the sacrificial pitchers should be poured on the head of the disciple.

The Purana states that the disciple should be clad in white clothes as part of the Abhiseka rite. It is the duty of the preceptor to graciously accost the god Maheshwara and the goddesses for removing of all impediments that might obstruct the fruition of the object with which the Abhiseka ceremony had been undertaken.

Soon the Abhiseka ceremony is followed by a prayer by the preceptor whereby he prays to Shiva that he has carried out the rite of Abhiseka ceremony under the commandment of Lord and he earnestly prays to the Almighty to grant the disciple all blessings as he the preceptor has carried out Abhiseka on such a disciple who is well versed in the Holy Scriptures.

Another important aspect of the Abhiseka ceremony is that the preceptor makes the disciple dedicate his soul life to the lords by rubbing his fingers with the end of a burnt Kusha and the disciple also offers flowers at the time of making obeisance.

Finally the preceptor asks the lord to be propitious and good to the disciples who are well versed in the Shastras. It has been said that the rite of Abhiseka makes a man attain all the desired objects and culminates him to the status of a monarch.

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