In the Hindu mythology, it is affirmed that in the Treta age a violent war broke out between the gods and the asuras (demons). The gods were defeated by the asuras. Indra, king of the gods along with other gods went Lord Vishnu for assistance.
Vishnu told them that he would infuse a portion of himself in the body of Puranjaya, the son of a royal sage Vikukshi. Puranjaya was the emperor of Ayodhya. Puranjaya with the power of Vishnu would subdue all the asuras, the enemies of the gods. Acknowledging with reverence the kindness of the deity, the immortals or the gods quitted his presence and went to Puranjaya to solicit his union.
The brave king, Kakutstha united with lord Indra and promised to battle against the asuras. Kakutstha fought in the Devasur Sangram.
Kakutstha mounted on Indra who took the shape of a bull. He was filled with delight, and rejuvenated himself by the power of the eternal ruler of all movable and immovable things. Kakutstha destroyed the asuras or demons while sitting on the hump that is Kukud of a bull. From then he was known as Kakuthstha, which means seated on the hump. His dynasty was also known as Kakuthstha after him.
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