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Impact of Hatha Yoga on Body Cells
Impact of Hatha Yoga on body cells is very prominent. It has been said that Hatha Yoga helps the body cell to absorb more of Prana and enhances the activity of the body which in turn also increases the effectiveness of the body.

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Impact of Hatha Yoga on Body Cells, Human Body and Hatha YogaImpact of Hatha Yoga on body cells is rather prominent. Every living body is a collection of minute cells. The cells of the body have three principles (1) Matter, which they obtain from the food ; (2) Prana or vital force, which enables them to manifest action and which is obtained from the food one eats, the water that is drunk and the air that is used for breathing ; (3) Intelligence, or " mind-stuff," which is obtained from the Universal Mind. These cells have different shapes, which are regulated by the requirements of its particular office, or work. According to the concept of Hatha Yoga each cell is, to all intents and purposes, an individual, separate and more or less independent, although subject to the control of cell-group mind; large group commands and finally, to the central mind of the man, the controlling work, or at least the greater part of it, coming within the control of the Instinctive Mind.

These cells are constantly at work, performing all the duties of the body, each having its own particular work to do and doing it to the best of its ability. Cells are being born and cells are dying every moment of existence. Cells reproduce themselves by enlarging and subdividing, the original cell. It has been said that every part of the human body is constantly undergoing change. Every part of our body is being worn out and renewed and repaired constantly.

The Yogis believe that the cell mind is supplied by the Universal Mind or the great store house of the mind stuff. But it should be remembered at the same time that the cell mind is not able to express itself without the two principles that is matter and Prana. It needs the fresh material supplied by the well-digested food; in order make for itself a medium of expression. It also needs a supply of prana, or vital force, in order to move and have action. The triune principle of Life mind, matter and force is necessary in the cell as the man. Mind needs force or energy (prana) in order to manifest itself in action through matter.

The cells must have material with which to make bodies, and there is only one way in which they can receive this material- by means of nourishment in the food. And unless there is sufficient prana in the system these cells cannot manifest sufficient energy to do their work and lack of vitality is manifested throughout the whole system.

With regard to the effect of Hatha Yoga on cells it can be said that the Asanas which are practised in Hatha Yoga increase the Prana absorption by the cells and as Prana absorption increases within the cells their activity becomes proper and as the activities of the cell become proper all the other systems of the body also start functioning in a healthy manner. And healthy body is the basic aim of Hatha Yoga. Thus cells which are the basic units of life are also affected by the exercises which are part of Hatha Yoga.

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